chapter 15 and maybe final

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"DEKUU!!!" bakugo yelled

five seconds before izuku's POV

'bakugo is probbably going to go for shigaraki-san because he is the leader that is here right now' deku thought to himself as he jumps in between bakugo and shigaraki while bakugo uses his quirk.

"DEKUUUU!!!!!!" Bakugo screamed as izuku fell to the floor. 

I saw my whole life flash through my eyes. These memories aren't what I was told about. 

***flashback izuku's POV still***

I am somewhere it look like a river or something I see little me and kattchan running....

It doesn't look like i am running from him or he is running from me.....

Kattchan is walking on a log he fell....

I helped him....

I am surrounded boy fog but when the fog leaves i'm somewhere different....

Kattchan is helping me? WOH look at kattchan's quirk...

Wait that looks like...

OFA? Whats OFA how did I think of that randomly....

The fog comes again and im with- 

A skeleton???? Oh its all might he is just in his non muscle form...

He is talking about OFA... 

So that is how i had a quirk?

Oh the fog is here again its really annoying im back with shigaraki but im tied up....

They aren't being nice to me?-


I remember it all now....

*** end of izuku having a flashback***

I opened my eyes slowly and I saw kattchan looking down at me screaming my name...

"IZUKU ARE YOU OK" he would yell or "ANSWER ME DAMN IT DEKU!" kattchan would yell at me...worried

He was worried?


"I'm sorry katsuki" I say as I black out.

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