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Somewhere deep in the thriving city of Rome, lived a woman, a woman who survived a day by day. Men visited her every day, every night to have fun, to forget about their nagging wives back at their marble castles. Men loved her because she did her "work" and stayed quiet, took whatever they give her and thanked them. She just wanted to survive.

Although life has betrayed her, she held on to it, for the sake of her unborn child. A child that she never wanted, a curse, a misfortune. A child that was given to her forcefully by one of the men she entertained, that day she didn't want to sleep with him because she wasn't feeling well but he obviously didn't take no for an answer.

She couldn't work anymore because of her obvious stomach, so she turned to begging. She couldn't feed herself let along the baby inside of her.

In revenge of what he did to her, she watched the father of her child for months until she memorized his daily schedule, he was a sex addict, from woman to another. She waited until he went inside the fun room and followed after him grabbing the sharpest knife she could find.

Thinking he was going to have his usual fun night he went to her and put his hands on her shoulders, instead of a smile that he usually gets he got the sharp object in his guts. He stared at her in horror but more surprised at the bump in her stomach.

"You deserve more than death, for what you did. You brought a life to this cruel world, a life that shouldn't be here and I have to provide for it and take care of it when I can't even take care of myself." She yelled at him with tears threatening to fall from her eyes, but all he did is curse her over and over again, he did not care about what she said or his baby that she carried, he was a noble and he shouldn't be yelled at by a peasant, a prostitute.

"May the gods curse you and whatever filth your carrying" he responded to her, with all the hatred she had in her she held on to that knife with both hands and stabbed him once again only this time she made sure he'd never speak again.

The woman changed from her dirty bloodied clothes making sure to take the dead man's belongings, golden coins, now of those he had a lot and without second thoughts she ran out of the place not taking a single glance back.

She ran as far as her bare legs took her, she was on her very last month until she gave birth so she must find a safe place to stay until she's good to run again.

A long while after her departure she finally turned to look behind her just to see the glamoring lights of the city. She wiped the corner of her eyes from the tears thinking of all the years she's spent there, she was born and raised there she loved Rome but the city never loved her back. She took a deep breath and went on with her path.

An excruciating pain hit her and she didn't know if it was her time or if that man's curse has gotten into her. Was she dying? or was it just the pain of giving birth? She sat down laying against a human sized sculpture, it looked abandoned and she didn't pay it much attention.

She cried and whimpered in pain under the midnight sky, praying for the pain to be over very soon. She laid her head back with her eyes shut and a good grip on her stomach, she never knew that something as painful as this would happen to her.

After long excruciating moments of pushing she finally heard a loud cry, she shakily picked up the baby and pulled it to her chest. She assumed it was a boy with what he had between his legs, but something or someone told her that baby wasn't actually a boy.

The mother looked up at the figure in front of her with wide eyes, the beautiful woman standing there just smiled and walked closer to the new mother and her baby.

"Who are you?" The mother asked feeling a power radiating from the taller woman in front of her,

"You laid against my statue and prayed for help, so help came to you..." The woman said pointing to the statue, the mother looked behind her in confusion so she read the words writing at the sculptures feet.

'Venus, Goddess of Love, sex, beauty and fertility'

"Your child, your daughter has been blessed. She'll have a rocky path before reaching what she desire in life..." The goddess said with a soft smile, as for the mom she was confused on why her baby girl was "blessed" with something only men owned.

"Legacy" the goddess answered, she already read the mother's thoughts and knew exactly what she was asking.

"Name her after me, and she'll forever be blessed" were the last words of the goddess before she disappeared like dust in the air, the new mother stared at her baby with happy tears falling one after the other. She kissed her little hands and gently brushed her head before whispering her name.


When the woman felt like she's hand enough rest and her baby was fed enough. She stood up and tried to find a better place to stay.

Unfortunately for her, her body was too weak to continue but she tried harder and kept walking, she can't die and leave her baby in the middle of nowhere.

Farther away, she saw a small house and decided that's where she'll be staying. Hoping people were living there, she knocked with the last bit of energy she had.

A woman about her age opened the door surprised to find a mother and her child at her door step.

"Please help her, I won't make it..." The mom begged, she digged her hand in her pocket and grabbed the bag of golden coins handing them to the owner of the house.

"Her name is Venus, she is a girl, not a boy..." The mom gave the baby to the woman standing by the door.

"Please take care of my baby" and with that, Venus's mother fell to the ground taking her last breaths and for the first time in years she felt at peace.

As for the owner of the house, she was still flabbergasted at the encounter. She realized that her and her husband's life was about to change to the better with the money they just got.

And what about Venus you might ask?

Well, they've handed her to one of the maids they had who recently gave birth to feed her and take care of her. She was owned by those farmers, she was raised as a worker, as a slave and they made sure to remind her of that every day.

"Mother, do you need a hand?" Venus asked the woman who she thought was her mom, the older woman smiled and shook her head no.

"I am fine my child, go back to work before they punish you again" Flora said to her 'daughter'. She's raised the girl along side her boys until she became a strong woman, and since she was different, the owners made sure she worked like her brothers, outside, building and farming all day long under the burning sun.

"Yell my name if you need my help" Venus said with a smile, she grabbed Flora's hand and kissed it before running out of the house. She was the only one covering her chest since she had breasts like any other woman, as for the other men and her two brothers they all had their chest exposed.

"Someday he's going to whip you to death, Venus" Felix, the eldest son of Flora said in a worried tone, Venus rolled her eyes and picked up the mattock and went back to work. It was summer, a good planting season or how they call it growing season, they worked more than usual to make more money for their owner.

"He can't kill me, he needs me" making another man laugh, that man was Magnus, her other bother. He was the middle child while she was the youngest.

"You're joking right sister? he needs me more because I am bigger and stronger" Magnus smirked flexing his arms making his siblings laugh at his silliness. Those were the moments they enjoyed most, when they laughed and joked with each other even though their life was a living hell.

A life they'll never get back...

I'll be posting the first chapter because I woke up today and chose to write this book.

Tell me what you think of this so far.



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