Naofumi's New Party Member's [II]

Începe de la început


{Level before Joining}<-[5] {Current Level}<-[67]


{Previous Work}<-[None, it's an animal]

{Meeting Naofumi}<-[Dagger was heavily wounded by poacher's when he was found by, Naofumi. Naofumi took the Wolf in and healed him up. This act of kindness made him stay by, Naofumi who made him a set of armor and taught him how to fight large monster's]

{Relation's with Party Member's} [I]->[Naofumi]-> (Dagger was named and saved by, Naofumi. Dagger is extremely loyal to, Naofumi and will go the distance to fulfill his command's. Naofumi love's, Dagger like family and much like the rest of his party, will do anything to protect him.)
[II]->[Raphtalia]-> (Dagger doesn't know what to think about, Raphtalia. Is she a Tanuki or a Human? He didn't really know but he'll still play with her, and chase her tail, she doesn't like it when he chase's her tail.)
[III]->[Filo]-> (Dagger think's, Filo is a child so he tries to protect her and also give's her ride's on his back. Filo adore's, Dagger and love's to play fetch with him.)
[IV]->[Rishia]-> (Dagger like's to chase, Rishia around when there's nothing going on. Rishia like's to fluff, Dagger's fur and will play tug of war any chance she get's.)

{Origin}<-[Dagger was a nameless wolf who had no one, due to his unique eye's many poacher's tried to hunt him down for his eye's. Thankfully, those poacher's were stopped by, Naofumi.]

{Personality}<-[Dagger is a very loyal companion and will do anything, Naofumi ask of him. And will even go as far as to attempt to kill any person who tries to disrespect's the Party]

{Like's}<-[(Food) (Swimming) (Fetch) (Tug of War) (Running) (Hunting)]

{Dislike's}<-[(Poacher's) (Monster's) (Spear Hero)]

{Dislike's}<-[(Poacher's) (Monster's) (Spear Hero)]

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


{Level before Joining}<-[40☆] {Current Level}<-[97]


{Previous Work}<-[Adventurer]

{Meeting Naofumi}<-[Saphira was captured by would be slave trader's while she was sleeping. Naofumi saw them and jumped them. She began following him after he helped her even though he said she didn't have to, she's glad she followed him because now she can see much more of the world]

{Relation's with Party Member's} [I]->[Naofumi]-> (Saphira was saved by, Naofumi therefore she want's to repay him for helping her. The two of them share a level of respect for each other in combat, although, Saphira view's him as her future husband. Seeing a trend?👀)
[II]->[Raphtalia]-> (Saphira has tried and tried again to fluff, Raphtalia's tail but has failed every time. Other then that the two share a pretty major rivalry for, Naofumi's affection. Even though he's dense as fuck)
[III]->[Filo]-> (Saphira and Filo didn't like each other at first, as Filolial's and Dragon's don't like each other very much. The two did start to get closer when, Saphira saved Filo from being crushed by a large monster when the two went out looking for a gift for, Naofumi)
[IV]->[Rishia]-> (Saphira absolutely adore's, Rishia. She often crawl's into bed with, Rishia and is often heard referring to, Rishia as "Big Sis Rishia". The two are like sister's and are always seen together)

{Origin}<-[Saphira was born into one of the most powerful Dragonkin clan, but she only wanted to be an adventurer who travelled the world. She enjoyed exploring and loved the sky, and she became one of the most powerful member's in, Naofumi's party]

{Personality}<-[Saphira is very smug and confident in her own skill. She's someone who will give her all in a situation regardless if it's needed, like a race or playing game's with kid's]

{Like's}<-[(Exploring) (Book's) (Light Armor) (Bikini's) (Cold Drink's)

{Dislike's}<-[(Hot Drink's) (Play's) (Heavy Armor)]

{Dislike's}<-[(Hot Drink's) (Play's) (Heavy Armor)]

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

{Name}<-[Katherine] <-(Kathy)

{Level before Joining}<-[35] <-{Current Level}<-[76]


{Previous Work}<-[None]

{Meeting Naofumi}<-[Katherine met, Naofumi during his travel's in, Vampire territory. She acted as his guide throughout the travel's. She only joined him after he saved her from an arranged marriage]

{Relation's with Party Member's} [I]->[Naofumi]-> (At first, she couldn't care less about him, he was only a Human, a blood bag. But she ended up falling for him when he saved her from an arranged marriage. She became very protective of him and would go as far as to watch him while he slept)
[II]->[Raphtalia]-> (Katherine liked, Raphtalia's ear's. She always scratches her ear's and even nibbled on her ear once, although this stunt got her punched. She stopped playing with, Raphtalia's ear's without permission after that)
[III]->[Filo]-> (Katherine adore's Filo and her wing's. She love's to brush, Filo's hair and feather's whenever they have free time. Filo often call's her "Kathy Nee-Chan")
[IV]->[Rishia]-> (Katherine is fascinated by, Rishia and even offered to infect her with Sanguine Vampirism to turn her into a Vampire. Rishia declined the offer but thanked her for the offer. Katherine enjoy's the taste of, Rishia's blood and has bitten her in more place's then just her neck, such as her arm's and thigh's. She quit this however when, Rishia mentioned that she felt uncomfortable with it)

{Origin}<-[Katherine was raised by a wealthy Vampire family, she was being forced to marry a wealthy Vampiric man. She was saved from this marriage by, Naofumi when he killed the Vampiric man with the Wrath Shield skill Iron Maiden]

{Personality}<-[Katherine is a very quiet and cold person on the outside. On the inside she is a loving and caring woman, especially when it come's to people she love's]

{Like's}<-[(Blood) (Star's) (Red Wine) (Rainy Night's)]

{Dislike's}<-[(Her Parents) (Animal Blood) (Thunder) (Cold Night's)]

And that's about it for now, let me know which one was your favorite and I'll see y'all later, adios.

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