Start from the beginning

"Clearly. Well I'm glad they are. Do you how many times Alex had been giving him deaths stares just now?" Olivia said and Bianca chuckled slightly.

"Hey, guys look." Bianca said, getting the attention of the boys as she pointed over to Elena and syd who were talking whilst they all silently watch.

"So, I guess you're stuck with me." Syd said, walking closer to Elena, in result causing her to chuckle nervously but very weirdly. Bianca and Olivia both stared at each other with a weird expression before turning their attention back to the two girls.

"Oh, a wrinkle in time."

"Yeah, it's stupid." Elena scoffed. "It's my favourite book." Syd said.

"Stupid how much i love it!" Elena said.

"Are you okay there?" Syd asked, concerned. "Yeah I'm just super hungry...for food." Elena said nervously.

The four teens all looked at each other with weird expressions. "They flirt worse than 6 graders." Henry said and everyone else nodded.

"Uh, okay! How about we be normal..and go get some snacks?" Olivia said, trying to lighten up the mood of how awkward it was.

"Elena can you help us?" Alex asked. "Shurbly-burbly." Elena said. Olivia smacked her hand on her forehead before quickly walking out of the room of how awkward it was.

"What is up with you?" Alex asked. "Nothing." Elena said.

"Oh, are you "Shurbly-burbly"? Olivia joked.

"Help me make things less awkward. You guys are good at talking. People say you're charming." Elena said.

"People are right." Alex smirked. Olivia rolled her eyes and smacked his forehead before looking back at Elena.

"Okay, come on. Let's just go get snacks now. Henry and Bianca are probably talking to Syd right now so you'll have to come up with something to talk about with her later." Olivia told and Elena nodded. She dragged Alex and Elena into the kitchen, picking out random snacks.


A few minutes later, they got back and Alex and syd were doing a vlog together. Olivia didn't want to be in it so she just watched them with Henry and Bianca.

"I need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." Bianca said, leaving for the bathroom, leaving Henry and Olivia together.

"Okay, double A-Alex Alvarez and Syd vicious coming at you from hashtag, lockdown. Syd, you see anything?" Alex said, passing the phone to Syd who was inspecting outside from the window.

"Ugh, I'm so bored! This lockdown is killing me and they're not making it any better." Olivia complained making Henry chuckle.

"So, you confessed to him yet?" Henry asked. Olivia looked at him with wide eyes. "W-what are you talking about?"

"Really? I know you like him liv." Henry said in a sing song voice, tickling her side jokingly. "What! No, of course not! Alex is just my best friend, nothing else." She assured.

"Yeah sure, 'best friend'. Seriously liv, I know you like him, i won't tell anyone." Henry said. There was a moment of silence before she spoke.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐳 Where stories live. Discover now