
Start from the beginning

The rest of that situation usually plays back in the girls head in random chunks. People running around and in and out of the house, shouting, shoving, just pure chaos. The last view the young golden haired girl got of her aunt before being shoved out of the room was of her being scooped up by her mother as the door to the room closed in her face. The sound of the women's crying are one of cries amongst the many which rotate and echo through Elizabeth's head.

⚠️ TW END. Content from here on out does NOT contain the TW mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. ⚠️

     The only thing that really ends this specific memory replay is when she remembers the little hand that grabbed hers not long after the door closed in her face. The hand of her Tommy that quickly grabbed hers in hopes to bring some comfort, did. Although just 10 the two were still Tommy and Ellie.

Ever since Thomas Shelby was able to comprehend emotions, both his and others, he knew that he loved and cared for Elizabeth. Like his older brother, he too felt this overwhelming sense to protect when around the Alder girl. Although similar, he knew his feelings and his bothers were somehow different. Being a Shelby boy came with many responsibilities early on. One thing that he and his brothers were taught was that family comes first, which too included the Alders. The boy could sense the danger in which the situation behind the door could hold for his Ellie, so as he should, he took hold of her hand not just for comfort but for safety.

For Elizabeth it felt like hours had gone by, but for the two other ladies in the room it was only a mere few seconds. The golden haired girl blinks a few times before looking up and meeting the eyes of Ada.

The look of pain was emitting from the Shelby girls eyes, and as she does best Elizabeth reads the message her eyes are sending.

"I— I can't", the golden haired girl simply says.


Days had passed and there was still no word of the races that crossed the Alder girl's ear. Though annoying, the concern of the event became less each day for her.

To pass her days she began treating and caring for people who needed help around Small Heath; Sometimes going to their home, and sometimes letting the people into the Alder home. Although the so called break was nice, sitting still did not feel natural for her. Helping people who could not help themselves was what Elizabeth knew she was meant to do. Location wise, Small Heath was not what she ever had in mind, but she decided that she would have to make do.

     Nightfall for the day came quickly and the doors to her house finally closed for the night. A days work, without a doubt, always brought a small smile to her face. One thing she knew her and her fiancé had in common.

Before Elizabeth could even sit down a knock of the door echoes through the house. Letting out a slight sigh she walks towards the door and opens it. Expecting either someone from town or even Ada or Polly, her hazel eyes were met with a set of ocean ones; And not just any ocean eyes, Thomas Shelby's, and sad looking ones at that.

The sight that was on the other side of the door was one that the girl was not expecting, to say the least. What stood on the front step of the Alder home was Thomas Shelby with his cap in hand instead of on his head. The man stay standing in the rain despite the open door in front of him which offered a dry shelter, his coat dripping wet which told the girl he had been outside for a while before arriving at her doorstep. A couple of moments pass by with no exchange of words between the two, the sound of the rain falling down from the sky being the only thing that fills the air.

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