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'You are cordially invited to the union of Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakul and Porsche Pachara Kittisawat.'

Pete sighs upon reading the wedding invitation that he received. His former boss, Kinn, and his friend, Porsche, are finally getting married. Not that it's legal in Thailand, but the two got married in America recently, and now, they are doing a 'ceremony' in Thailand.

Putting the invitation back in the envelope, Pete places it in the side drawer. He stares out the window. It's been two years since Pete ran away from Bangkok. He went back to his province and decided to settle there for good. Tankhun wouldn't accept it at first, doing all means to bring him back to Bangkok, even threatening to burn down the whole island, but the eldest son of the Theerapanyakul family surrendered when Pete told him why he wouldn't come back.

It's all because of Vegas, the man Pete loved the most.

Two years and a month ago, the minor family attacked the main family, which resulted in Khun Gun's death and Vegas' near-death crisis. Vegas was unconscious for a month. One month felt like an eternity for Pete, but he didn't give up. He took care of Vegas and Macau. He because Macau's temporary guardian since Vegas is still unconscious. Pete begged Vegas to recover and wake up soon every night, telling him how much he misses him, how much he regrets leaving him behind, and how much he wants to say to him that he loves him.

But when Vegas woke up, he didn't remember what had happened. The last thing he remembers was when Porsche accidentally pushed Macau into Tankhun's koi pond. When Macau asked Vegas if he remembered Pete, Vegas answered no. He can't remember him, even as the main family guard. Vegas even looks at him strangely. Like he's all defensive since Pete was a total stranger to him, and it broke Pete's heart.

Pete returns to his province without telling anyone. His grandparents welcome him. He broke down before them, crying his heart out for Vegas. His grandparents comforted him and let him do what he wanted.

Tankhun, Porsche, Kinn, Porchay, Arm, and Pol followed him to the island a week later. Tankhun begs him to return as his head bodyguard, but he refuses. Kinn even offers to triple his salary and give him a house and car, but Pete ignores it. He can't work with the Theerapanyakul anymore, especially if he will only see Vegas occasionally. Tankhun didn't give up easily. He pursued Pete every week to return to the main family mansion, but Pete continuously declined his offer.

Tankhun finally gives up when Pete talks to him and begs him not to ask anymore. It will hurt him more to see the person he loves who has no clue who he is. That he rather die than see Vegas look at him strangely again.

Pete stood up, took his phone, and walked out f his room. He dials Porsche's number and calls him. Porsche answers on the third ring.

"Hey, Pete!"

"Hello. I received the invitation," Pete said.

"Great! You'll come, right? Khun Noo and I are arguing about who will buy your suit. Please pick me, Pete. Tankhun wants to buy you a pink suit!" Porsche groans.

"I can't come, Porsche. I'm sorry,"

"Why not? Pete, it's my wedding. You must be there!"

"Porsche... I can't,"

"If you worry about Vegas, he won't be there. He'll be in Italy to negotiate. Of all the dates, our Italian partners picked our wedding date! Kinn and I can't come, so Vegas volunteers. So, please, come to my wedding. Please!"

Pete bites his lower lip and lets it go. He wants to be there for Porsche and his former boss, but the fact that he'll be in a familiar place will bring back bittersweet memories.

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