on his first love.

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"In my late teens I had a couple of girlfriends who were a lot older than me. I'm not sure what they saw in me, as I hadn't had any sexual experience. The relationship dynamic seemed to shift towards them 'mothering' a younger, vulnerable man.

Around the age of seventeen I met Julia. She was my first love, really, and it was a serious relationship. I learnt a lot from her. Julia had loads of good records.
She was cool, and I fell for her rather hard.

She was beautiful, with big blue eyes, psychedelic dresses and long hair.
Julia was a vegetarian, and as a devotee of both her and the meat-hating Morrissey, I had become one too.

Julia was a vegetarian, and as a devotee of both her and the meat-hating Morrissey, I had become one too

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When I moved to London, I was suddenly an aimless minnow again in a big pond. I was also set adrift romantically. Julia had ended our relationship just before I was due to start college as she didn't want to be involved in a long-distance student affair.

I cried about the break-up at the time, but looking back, it was probably for the best."

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