I Wasn't Ready

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Hannah held her stuff tightly as she was led into the van with another blonde woman walking next to her.

"That it?" A woman asked from the driver's seat of the van.

"One more coming," the guard said "hold on,"

"My zipper's broken," The blonde complained.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "At least your jacket fits. Mine could eat me,"

The woman in the driver's seat raised her sunglasses to look at the two. "First time down?"

"My first time here?" The blonde questioned.

"Oh, no, your first time in prison?"


Hannah merely shrugged.

"It's not so bad. Everyone's okay," The driver reasoned. "You've gotta watch out for the stealing. So, what're your names? Your last name. Everyone uses last names here. I'm Morello, and that is Watson," The driver pointed to the other woman in the van.

"Jenson," Hannah introduced.

"Chapman," The blonde nodded.

"And how much time you got, Chapman?" Morello asked.

"Fifteen months,"

"Oh, that's not so bad. Jenson?"

Hannah merely shrugged as she looked out the window.

"I got 34, but I'm hoping with good time it'll be less," Morello explained.

"You...So you're a...They let you drive?" Chapman wondered.

"Well, who else is gonna do it?" Morello chuckled. "We do everything around here. Hey, can I ask you something? You look like you'd know," she showed Chapman a magazine. "All right, which dress do you like better? My top two faves are the ones with the half-and-half lids stuck to the pages. See, I want something that's gonna express my personality. And the trick is, I wanna show off the boobs and the ass, but I'm not so happy with the upper arms and the stomach, so there's the challenge,"

"Both nice," Chapman claimed.

"That's all you gotta say?" Morello frowned. "I gotta look good. My first dance is gonna go on YouTube. Bounce your legs up and down; it'll help keep you warm,"

Hannah looked up to realize that Morello was talking to her "Thanks," she muttered.

"You think your man is still gonna be around when you're out?" Watson asked.

"Yeah, he'll be there. I'm the love of his life," Morello stated.

Hannah couldn't help the scoff that escaped her lips.

"Thirty-four months is a long time," Watson admitted.

"Yeah, but she's the love of his life!" Chapman reasoned.

"And who the fuck asked you?"

"Head on up," the guard said as he closed the van doors.

"All right, his tie is gonna match the bridesmaids' dresses." Morello described as she began driving off from the facility. "There's six bridesmaids,"

Hannah groaned inwardly as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes to block out Morello's talking.


Hannah opened her eyes as her shoulder was jostled. She turned to see it was Chapman. She glanced out the window to see they were now outside their new "home." Hannah grabbed the items that she was given by the officer and followed after Chapman and the others.

"All right, let's go," Lorna told the group.

A black woman with grey hair appeared at the entrance.

"Hello, Miss Claudette," Lorna greeted the woman.

"Morello," Miss Claudette said.

Lorna looked back at the group as Miss Claudette walked by. "Watch out for that one. Don't get me wrong, she's a good lady...but you don't wanna get on her bad side," she nodded the group through the door. "Go ahead. Go. Okay, I'm gonna send you all through to processing, you'll get your room assignments, and I'll meet you back here and show you your bunks. Okay?" Lorna patted Hannah's cheek. "Don't look so bummed. Gonna get the wrinkles,"


"All right, raise your head and look at the lens," An officer with a mustache said as Hannah stood before the camera. "Ah, crap!' he turned towards another officer "New guy...what's your name, Bennett?"

The new officer walked over.

"Bennett, it's not fucking working again,"

"You turn it on?" Bennett questioned.

"Yeah, I turned it on,"

Bennett cleared his throat and leaned towards the computer. "Wait, I think I got it. Ready?"

"Whatever," Hannah breathed.

"Wait, no,"

"What does this button do?" The mustache officer asked.

"No! Don't touch that,"

"Sorry, princess,"

Hannah shook her head and plugged a chord into the computer.

The computer beeped as Hannah moved back to her position.

"What'd you do?" Bennet asked.

"You forgot to plug the camera into the computer," Hanna crossed her arms as the mustache officer clicked the mouse.

"Got it," the mustache officer declared.

"Great," Hannah headed back the way she came in.

"Next," The mustache officer called out.


"This is a TB test," a male nurse explained to Hannah as she sat in the clinic. "No track marks,"

"Because I'm young, it's automatically assumed I did drugs," Hannah snapped.


"I don't like needles," Hannah admitted.

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