Chapter 21 Back In Toronto

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"Yes! Home sweet home!" Abby yelled, pushing everyone out of the way, then preceded to kiss the ground. "Ugh, Abby, gross!" Miriam yelled, scrunching up her face after seeing Abby kiss the dirty ground of the skydome. Mei just chuckled. "I think you mean dimension sweet dimension,"

Robaire looked behind them, at the door they left from. As soon as it closed, the frame of it shined, then it disappeared in a flash of light. "Woah..." He said. "Did... It just disappear?" Aaron Z asked. "Well... Mark did say it was going too," Carter said to him.

Robaire shook his head. Then, he turned around back to everyone. "Can you guys even believe that... that just really happened?"

"Nope!" Abby said with a smile.

"No but seriously, what type of other secrets does Toronto hold?"

Mei rolled her eyes at Robaire. "Ugh, it's not our town! At least... I don't think it is,"

As they were talking, Thomas looked down at the necklace Mark had given him.

'Use this to fight off Nerraw' Mark had told him. Thomas was worried that Nerraw was going to show up again...He didn't want that to happen. He didn't like Nerraw at all. Who would? A being seems like it can destroy your entire dimension? Thomas held into the necklace, and then he felt Carter place his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry... You'll be fine," He said. Thomas looked at him, then back at the necklace. "I... Hope so,"

"So... I guess we're still doing the dance Tuesday?" Abby asked. "Oh shit! We didn't finish setting up did we?!" Aaron T yelled. "No... We didn't," Jesse said. "Well, let's see if we can finish up, it still looks like it's afternoon outside," Mei said.


So, all of them. 4 Town and Mei's friends helped to finish up making up some of the skydome. "Guess we'll have to come tomorrow to finish up," Aaron Z said. "Yeah, I'm so tired..." Abby said.

Thomas was probably the most tired of all of them. Once they were ready to leave, he was so tired, he couldn't change into the engine to bring them all back home quickly. With him exhausting himself earlier with his flashback and helping out, it drained him. Him being stressed probably wouldn't even activate the engine at the moment. "Don't sweat it, Thomas, we can all walk home, it isn't too far," Mei said. Tyler nodded. "Yeah, at least we aren't carrying any boxes this time,"

They said bye to 4 Town and were all on their way home.


"I can't believe we befriended the entire 4 Town!" Abby screamed. Mei laughed. "I know!"

"Guess interdimensional travel can bring people together," Priya said. As Thomas heard Priya say that, he looked down at his hand, which was being held by Carter. 'Yeah... I guess so,' He thought. "So... what are you guys going to do for the rest of the weekend?" Mei asked, turning around to everyone. "I don't know. Maybe we could all hang out?"

"I probably can't, have to help my mom," Mei said. "She said a visitor is coming by to the temple,"

"Doesn't the temple always get visitors?" Tyler asked. Mei nodded. "Yes, it does, but she said this one, was special...Whatever she meant by that,"

As they were walking, they walked past the Temple. As Mei's mom, Ming Lee was outside. She seemed like she was waiting for Mei, judging by how she called out to her daughter. "Mei Mei! Did you deliver the stuff to the Skydome?" Mei nodded. "Yes, I did mom,"

"Hello, Mrs. Lee!" Tyler smiled at her. "Hello Tyler, and the rest of you," She smiled back. "Sorry if I'm going to be a little busy tonight, but the new visitor is here?"

"New visitor? They're here already?" Mei asked. Ming nodded. "Yes!"

Just at that moment, a man came out from the temple, wearing something like a robe. One of those fancy robes that most would ware in China. Ming noticed that he was coming out from the temple, so she introduced them. "Mei, this is Yong Bao," She said with a smile. "Oh... hello!" Mei said, and the rest who was with her, said hi to him. "I love your clothes! Very fancy!" Abby said smiling. Yong Bao smiled at her. "Thank you, young lady," He said.

Thomas noticed that once he had looked at him, he was looking at him funny. As if... He somehow knew him from somewhere. But Thomas had never seen him before in his life.

It was getting late, and at that time, Thomas realized that he had to get home, or his dad was going to wonder where he is. "Hey... Carter-" Thomas whispered to him. Carter looked at him. "Yeah?"

"I have to get home, dad's gonna wonder where I am,"

Carter nodded, then looked at Mei. "Mei, me and Thomas are gonna go, see you Monday at school," He said. Mei nodded. "Ok! See you!"

"Bye Thomas!" Tyler said.


"Something seemed strange with... That Yong guy..." Thomas said. Carter turned his head to him. "Huh? Why? He seemed nice,"

Thomas nodded. "No, not that. He did seem nice, but he looked at me, like he knew me. Have you ever seen one of those movies, where someone secretly knows someone, but the character doesn't know, but you as the audience watching, somewhat knows?"

Carter blinked at Thomas. "I... Think you've watched too many movies-"

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Ugh, shut up-," He said with a giggle, as he softly pushed Carter. Laughing, Carter shoved him back. "Hey!" Thomas shoved him again, just to have Carter push him all over again.

"Ok, that's it~" Thomas reached over to Carter's belly and started to tickle him. "Thhahhahamas! Not that again!" He laughed loudly, then squirmed away from Thomas running away from him. "Running away again?! You can't outrun a locomotive!" Thomas caused after him, and caught up with him. Then, he grabbed Carter close to him and dug his fingers into his belly button making him laugh even harder. "NOHOHO STHAHAHP!" Carter pushed Thomas away from him panting. "Geez! That tickled!"

"Yeah, no shit-" Thomas snorted. "Hrfm, mean-" Carter pouted, folding his arms.


"See you Monday Carter!" Thomas said, leaving him, heading to his door. As he was about to open the door-

"Hey, Thomas wait-," He heard Carter say. "Huh?" Thomas looked to the left, but just before he could say anything else, Carter's lips were touching his. "Love you," Carter said after kissing him.

Thomas's face went red, of course. "L-Love you too..."

Thomas was so bashful at the moment, he forgot that he hadn't opened the door yet, so when he went to turn around to walk into the house, he slammed into the closed door. "OOOF!"

Carter saw everything, and he erupted in laughter. "Ugh, stop laughing at me-" Thomas chuckled.

After Thomas went inside, he couldn't wait to lie on his bed. It's been a rough day. But, as soon as he closed the door, and turned back around, and saw his dad, standing there in the living room. He had his arms folded, and was tapping his foot, just staring at him.

"Uhhh..? Dad?"

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