Chapter 4: The Dark Baptism Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, we do, in passing, but we do not have meaningful connections with them..."

"I will have to disagree on that, I've had quite meaningfull debates and conversations with Ms Cooper."

Ambrose gave an unimpressed look towards his sister for not taking it seriously.

"The coven forbids that, they will see to it."

"What? They'll cast a spell on me
if I go to the mall with Harvey?" she asked jokingly.

The siblings shared a nervous glance.

"Will they?"

"It's as though a veil drops...
between you and the mortal world, and eventually, quite quickly, you're...weaned from it."

"I won't forget them." Sabrina responded defiantly

"You'll want to..." the warlock said earnestly. "...or else the pain is too much to bear."

"Why would it be painful?"

"Time slows down, and they'll grow old and you won't. And those things that are so terribly important to them will... seem trivial and pale to you.
The longer you're a witch, the more you'll understand,'s better to forget the mortal world...and think only of what is ahead...and be ready for what is ahead."

As if struck by something, Sabrina abruptly stood, meaning to leave the room.

"Cousin, where are you going?"

"To call Harvey. I'm having one last night with my friends."

"Wait Sabri..." Ambrose called out, but was stopped by his sister.

"Let her go."

"But aunt Zelda said we have to keep an eye on her."

"Ambrose, she's about to sacrifice a lot tonight. Let her spend her last birthday with her mortal friends."

Sighing out, he nodded. Then looked at his sister. "Friday night chess?"

"Let's go."

Sitting in front of the chessboard in the living room, Cordelia just lost her knight and her brother was not letting it go.

"This game might actually be mine."

"Be quiet, I'm thinking."

Their cousin was busy getting ready upstairs, while they continued their game.

A ring at the door, made her frown, as Ambrose stood up to answer.

"How clever. You're dressed as your future." the warlock commented, as Harvey wore mining workwear.

"Don't be rude, Ambrose." Cordelia chastised him, while not taking her eyes off the board.

"Sabrinaaaa!" her brother yelled, just to anger his sister even more.

Harvey chuckled. "Hi Cordelia", he waved awkwardly. As he turned back to answer Ambrose. "It was kind of last minute, borrowed it from my brother."

"I'm teasing, you look great."

"You can come to the party with us, if you want."

"Thanks, but if I'm risking banishment to the Nether Realm, it's going to be for something other
than a high school masquerade."

"Nether Realm?"

Cordelia stood up and stepped closer, before her brother puts his foot in his mouth.

"He's joking, Harvey." a voice came from the top of the stairs.

All three looked up towards the voice.

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