To her, the air smelt different, more polluted. She turned to her father, who brushed down his clothes with his hands to get rid of any dirt or dust which could be there. Then she turned over to the men. As she did this the man from before jumped back into the boat, and carried on his journey straight on.

There was 5 men and 2 women. The women looked sort of uneasy but still brave and prepared. This made Isabella feel anxious, there was 7 of them but only 2 of the Lopez family, which quite frankly was all that was left. 

"Sei sicuro di questo?"
"Are you sure about this?" Isabella asked. She didn't look at her father, afraid of reading his emotions to see how he truly felt.

"Do not speak unless you are spoken to. We are in England now so we speak only British when around others. Do not underestimate them either. And do as I fucking say, no questions asked. Keep your fucking head up and whatever you do, do not give them the wrong impression." her father replied. His tone of voice was colder than it normally is. As if he was scared but trying to hide it deeply.

Isabella was confused as to what 'the wrong impression' meant. She didn't know what the right impression was so she was now frightened of how to act. But she stuck by her fathers rules, she had learnt to not disobey him the hard way, and was now petrified of the consequences which may be given to her.

The group of people began to step towards them, her father also returned the action and began to step towards them. Isabella followed shortly behind her father, stopping around a foot away from him.

"Are you unarmed, Mr Lopez?" one of them asked. Her father nodded in reply, then pulled the sides off his waistcoat to the side to show the man he was telling the truth. Mr Lopez always told the truth, Isabella knew that for a fact. However his only problem was that he didn't tell people things until he felt they needed to know. If someone asked he would simply push the conversation away, but he would never lie to anyone. It was the only thing which Isabella respected about her father. His honesty.

"Miss Lopez, my name is Tommy Shelby." he said. He put a hand out in front of him, gesturing for her to shake it, which she did gently then let her hand go.

"Pleased to meet you Mr Shelby." she said. She looked across at everyone. They were all quite good looking in her opinion. She noticed that once her and Tommy had shook hands, one of the other boys became quite flushed. His cheeks were pale and his eyes never came off her. He was stood to the left of Tommy, right in front of her father. 

Mr Lopez noticed the boys nervous looks and looked him up and down.

"Is this him then?" he asked. Isabella frowned, but she remembered to stay out of her fathers business. She was only here as a representative for the Lopez family. The Lopez family which only consisted of two people.

"It is indeed. The ceremony will be tomorrow as we planned." Tommy said, he placed a cigarette between his lips and puffed on it as he spoke.

"Due to the peace making I will not be attending, I shall be back in a few weeks or so to check up on how things are going. So just be sure everything goes as planned." Mr Lopez said. His words were hurried, as if he was trying to get away from the situation but had no choice.

Isabella looked away from the nervous boy, and looked straight at her father. She had a million thoughts running through her head at once. This was the first time she had been intrigued on her fathers business, and she felt like she had something to do with it.

"Mr Lopez, is your daughter aware of the ceremony?" one of the women asked, she moved herself so she was stood closer to Tommy "Because she looks like she wants answers."

"Father what on earth are they talking about?" Isabella panicked. Her words also rushed out of her mouth, she was now terrified on what her father had gotten her into.

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