Raymond : (in mind : ohh..no one has never talked to me in this tone..and i surprisingly like it..a little bit..)

How about you blondie? Who are you? And you seem kind of lost..?

*Raymond gives April his jacket*

April : I'm April Smith, and i don't need help from anyone, especially you!

Raymond : (in mind : a smith! should've known that, well guess im going to have some fun this year.) Ci vediamo dopo Piccola!

What did he just say..? Well uh. no more wasting time, i'll ask someone.

*Asks a random person for directions, and goes into the principal office*

-After getting the schedule-

Oh god! I'm so late for class!! And i don't know which way i should go! I'll just go straight until i spot someone and ask them.

*Sees Raymond getting yelled at by the supervisor*

Haha, good thing to see that spoiled brat getting embarrassed for the first time of his life.

But..he kind of helped me by giving me his jacket, i'll just help him to get rid of him and don't consider it as a favor or anything!

April : Oh there you are Raymond!

Raymond : huh?

Supervisor : What are you doing here? Guess you are grounded too.

April : Ohh, it's just that i'm sick, and i lost my medicine. So i asked Raymond and he was looking for them with me, then i found them and took my medicine.

Raymond : OHH..yeah!

Supervisor : Well, this is not an excuse to roam around the school while classes are starting.

April : I'm April Smith, and i think that you know my dad right? I saw him talking to you yesterday.

Supervisor : Ohh, yeahh a smith! You can go, i was just joking. Great sense of humor right!

*Supervisor goes*

Raymond : Okay, what was that?

April : You gave me your jacket, and i hate when i owe someone a favor, so consider this as a trade.

Raymond : Seems pretty fair, what class do you have?

April : I have french class. Do you know by any chance where it is?

Raymond : Yea, i have french class too. Follow me!

April : Between, this doesn't make us friends.

Raymond : Did i ask you to be my friend? You're just not good enough to be my friend.

April : Excuse you?

Raymond : Here's the class.

April : I couldn't have done it without you.

*April sits next to a random girl named Amelia*

Amelia : Hey!

April : Ohh hii!

*April becomes friends with Amelia*

Classes were pretty exhausting, i'll just go home now.

-at home-

Sneaks and listens to her step-mom talking to someone

Step mom : April is useless anyway, let's just get her married to the rival mafia. So we are safe, and rich at the same time.

Father : Yeah, she reminds me of her mother. So pathetic and useless that i had to kill her and make up a big lie making me the poor little husband who lost his wife due to cancer.

April : How could you? I knew that you changed dad..But not that much. Killing mom and selling me to the rival mafia? That sounds pretty much my step mother would do. Not you. She brainwashed you, made you do all this shit! I hate to admit it, but i hate you. I HATE YOU BOTH. Whatever they dont deserve me anyway but getting married.. What the fuck is wrong with them!

*Runs to room, locks the door, gets changed and watches netflix*

Pajama :

Pajama :

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