Chapter 23: Long Days

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After Jeremy and I had to deal with Tyler the Ass this morning, we ended up ditching our classes after first period and staying in the library. The librarians have known me since I was younger and they said as long as we helped out a little and weren't too rowdy, we were all good to stay there. Jeremy's sketching across from me and I'm finishing up a one pager on the English book we're reading this term.

I glance away from my writing and observe Jeremy's posture. He's leaning back in his chair, legs crossed at the ankles but otherwise relaxed. His face is relaxed but focused; the area above his eyebrows is contorted a little bit. I take a sip of my water and clear my throat before putting my computer on the table in front of me. "I'm gonna go get some air. I'll be back." Jeremy looks up and smiles before nodding.

I tug on my puffer vest and zip it up a little to cover my stomach as I walk down the hallway. As I pass the gym, I see Elena and Bonnie running laps next to one another. I stop for a second, watching them talk before I walk past the trophy case and out the side door. I pull my phone from my pocket as I slump against the wall and sit on the loading dock.


Morning. Hope you slept well.

Hey, do you think it would be weird if I got a job?

How do you feel about Professor Salvatore?

Do you think vampires and witches can really get along?

I shake my head and lock my phone, staring out at the grassy field that serves as the 'front yard' of the school. I notice someone standing next to the oak tree. I blink and in front of me, there's Damon. "Morning Mr. Salvatore." I say, looking up at him. "Morning KJ. Hope you've had a productive day." I shake my head and answer, "Not really. I couldn't focus after first period because of Tyler this morning. I was so pissed I wanted to hit him-" "Again?!"

I chuckle and reply, "Yes, Damon. Again. He's the most pompous and childish person my age that I've ever met." I glare at the ground and tighten my grip on the edge of the cement. "I get that he has nothing better to do with his time but I'm sick and tired of him bringing up the same stuff. If you're gonna be a bully, at least have good insults." Damon sits next to me and I can see him looking at my face from his peripheral. "I'm all for fighting fire with fire. Make him feel how you feel. I don't know if there's a spell for that but I think it would be more than enough to get him to stop."

I shake my head and look over at him. "I can't do that without exposing who I am to him." "If anything, wouldn't that scare him into more silence? He knows that you have supernatural powers and you were able to get in his head." I get up and brush off my butt, walking down the dock. "No Damon, it's not worth it. I don't want him to be scared of me. I just-" I let out a deep breath and keep pacing across the dock.

"Come sit with me, you're making me nervous." I walk over to him and sit back on the edge of the cement, tucking my hands between my thighs. "Sorry. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. I can't talk to my counselor because she'll just tell me there's nothing she can do, I'm not gonna go to Aunt Jenna because I don't want her worrying about me and then there's the whole aspect of talking to Tyler himself." Damon looks down at his watch and says, "You have to get back for lunch. I don't want to hold you up."

I sigh and rub the top of my legs, twisting my ring around my finger. "I think I'm just gonna go straight home today. You can come in if you want." I say, getting up and brushing off my ass. "M'kay. Sounds good." Damon replies. He stands in front of me and rubs his hands over my shoulders. "I'll see you later." I nod and before he disappears, he kisses the top of my head.


As Jeremy and I file the last of the returned books to the shelves, Ms. H comes around the corner. "Hey y'all. Thank you for staying here all day. I just wanted to let you know that the last bell of the day is gonna ring in a few minutes so you can come back to this tomorrow morning." I nod and Jeremy leans against the shelf, putting the last book away. "Thank you." I say, waving in her direction.

"KJ, how the hell did you get so cool with Ms. H?" Jer asks as we make our way back to our backpacks and put our stuff away. "I came here to check out books for a class one time and she ended up giving me some recommendations. When I was younger and came here, she used to work at the Mystic Falls Public Library so she remembered me from there." He nods and as he pulls off his sweatshirt, my eyes rake over his lower torso.

I clear my throat as I glance toward the doors and see people gathering outside their classrooms. "You still need a ride home or are you going to Damon's?" I shake my head as we start to walk out. "Yeah, I still need a ride." He nods and says, "Okay. Meet me at my locker in 10." I nod as we make our way through the hallway, getting separated by crowds of freshmen. I open my locker and stuff all of my notebooks and textbooks back in their place.

I tug off my puffer vest and pull on the hoodie that was hanging in my locker. After pulling the hood over my head and putting my vest back on, I tug my bag onto my shoulder and make my way to Jeremy's locker. I see him putting his science textbook at the bottom and I walk over, leaning against the metal wall. "Ready to go?" I nod and grab his helmet for him, falling in step beside him.

As Jeremy makes his way to where he parked his bike, I hand him his helmet and he starts it before sitting down. I let out a deep breath and wrap my arms around his torso as he pulls out of the parking lot and heads toward the house.

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