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"Gevherhan Sultan wants to meet you in the gardens," Gulfidan announced to me when I just woke up and opened my eyes. I didn't want to be bad to my sister so I accepted her call, but I was so tired and had no will for anything since I stayed up late to make sure Kasim feels better, because he was really heartbroken.

What I've heard from him was that Kosem ordered the girl to go to the Old Palace, and then they would move her to one of her estates where she would live. I didn't know what was the fate of the unfortunate child, but whichever it was I knew Kasim wouldn't be allowed to see her and it hurt his heart so much. But it was a punishment for him for not listening to Murad's orders.

I knew if Bayezid has done that Kosem would immediately tell this to Murad who would lock Bayezid with our uncle Mustafa, or even worse would kill him. But I didn't think like Kosem because I was their sister and all my brothers were equal to me, but for Bayezid I had special love since he was my twin brother.

I went to the gardens together with Gulfidan and I went where Gevherhan has said for me to wait for her, as she was obviously very late. I ordered Gulfidan to wait with other maids aside since I didn't like the fact that she fell in love with my brother and could also make some trouble to him if he would fall for her back, so I wanted to keep her distant from me in some time. I walked to the bench in our gardens which was behind the trees where Gevherhan and I would usually spend our time since we were little. I knew she probably was preparing herself for very longer time than I did, so it was fine for me to wait.

"Sultanim," I heard a male voice said as he bowed to me. I turned around to see Deli Huseyin, a man Murad yesterday has introduced to us. I nodded to him with my head.

"I didn't know I would see you here. I usually never saw you around the palace," he said.

"I wait for my sister Gevherhan Sultan, but yes I don't go around very often especially since my mother has arrived and I wish to spend every moment with her," I politely smiled.

"I heard about it from our Sultan. I hope you will have more chances in the future to spend time with your mother," he smiled to me.

"Thank you, I hope for it too," I said and just then I saw Gevherhan walking towards us. Huseyin excused himself and walked away as it wasn't appropriate for him to be seen with the female around the palace.

"So you met Deli," she said and smiled as we continued to walk.

"Why do they call him like that?" I asked her. Deli meant crazy, and I was very curious why was he called like it.

"Because he is excellent warrior who can in fights even win over our brother Sultan Murad. He has amazing tactics for fighting and can crush enemies in seconds," Gevherhan explained to me.

"Where is your son Selim? He can sometimes come to me so I can take care of him sometimes. I love my nephew really a lot," I said to her. I knew it was really hard for her especially since it was very hard for her to explain to Selim what happened. He was only seven years old and he couldn't know his uncle murdered his father.

"He only asks me about Silahtar, because he wants to learn him ride a horse. I don't know if it's fine for him to spend so many time with him, people might talk about it," Gevherhan said and her eyes smiled when she mentioned Silahtar. He was the one who tried to calm her down after all those bad events and he tried to stay by her side, but she was mourning over her late husband for all the time.

"There is nothing bad about it, Silahtar is Murad's best friend," I said but her smile stopped and I didn't know what was the reason.

"I feel something for him, and he does for me. But there exists a problem," she said and I looked at her with no idea what it was.