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Okay so readers what's up? Soo I have a draft tell me what you think about it?

"Fucking hell.."
You heard someone said next to you although not beeing heard well the footsteps on the wood distracting you running faster through the corridor looking slightly behind you seeing a human? Chasing you on all fours the head turn in the most odd way as you look towards- wait wrong part sorry

Date: 19-08-2009

Standing outside of a gated mansion you stared at it for a while looking at the gate surounding the place it was old and rusty as expected. Your phone vibrated in your pocket looking at it a notification on the screen

Z: heyy so a body guard will be there in a bit

[N]: alright but I will be heading inside soon tho, I need to scout the area also prepare back up incase I need it?

Z: already done just send the code and they'll head over straight away

[N]: alright

Z: [name], stay safe

[N]: when have I not?

Hearing footsteps behind you you see a certain white haired male a separate part of red visible crimson eyes filled with determination you assume? He was wearing a white button down along with black leggings? Maybe jeans with a sword holder on his waist and a small bag big enough to carry some stuff along with gun holders on his waist

"Looking good kazuha"

You said slightly teasingly making the other reden slightly walking towards the gate that seems able to drop with the slightest wind you pushed it with a little bit of force opening the gate letting both you and kazuha in walking towards the mansion it's self on the path way.

"So what info do we have on this house?

You asked glancing towards the kaedehara you have read the file given to you to get a grasp of what's happening but not only the key details

"The mansion was built around the 1986, and used to be own by a crazy scientist theorize to doing experiment with humans"

Oh? They didn't mention a crazy scientists sure they mention one but not a crazy one as you listen closely to the other

"As police was envestigating the place they found the scientist no where to be found until they found the body of a lifeless scientist-"

"Hanging on the chandelier right?"

You continued him nodding slightly seemingly sad at the information he was given

"Using suicide as a way to escape huh..."

You spoke quietly before the kaedehara continue

"It was told that when the chief of the investigation team went to get out of the mansion to place a record for it and told the others to get out there was no respond and he saw a creature? With blood and they retreat assuming the worst"

You nodded slightly looking at him some of this information weren't at the file so you can only guess right?

"Did you do your own research on this mission?"

You looked towards him seeing him reden nodding slightly

"It's my first on feild mission so I want to do my best..."

You nodded and as the door of the mansion is Infront of you you knew it would be a interesting mission you have here

Sooo? What do you think?

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