a new semester.

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                                                 Wednesdays POV.

I pack all my things as me, my little brother, Pugsley, my mom, and my dad all scramble into the car. A new semester is starting at Nevermore and my mother is insisting on getting there early.

"Wednesday! Come on, let's get in the car and go." I glare at my mother and proceed to finish up my packing, ignoring her presence while she stands at the doorway of my room. 

Thing climbs onto my shoulder, I grab my packed luggage and walk towards my doorway and out of my room, my mother follows.

We all pile into the car and start driving to Nevermore. I start to think about Enid and then the hug we shared when we were first back together, I suddenly feel a slight burning sensation in my cheeks start to form. Whenever I think about the hug from last semester, this seems to happen and I don't know why. Am I getting sick? Why are my cheeks beginning to turn a shade of red and why have I started to burn up? I snap out of it and gaze out the window in silence for the rest of the car ride.

                                                            Enid's POV.

I sit on the dorm floor waiting for Wednesday to arrive. I shriek and scream aloud "IM SO EXCITED TO SEE HER AGAIN EEEEE!!" I kick my legs and giggle, I go out to the balcony to see if I can get a view of Wednesday's car when she arrives, I wanna be the first one to know. I hear a faint motor and I perk up, I look over to see it's Wednesday's car. "EEE! SHE'S HERE! SHE'S HERE!!" I screamed and jumped up and down, clutching one of my stuffed animals.

I think back to the night when we hugged. It felt... odd.. in a good way. I remember her looking me up and down after pushing me away, assuming she was making sure I wasn't too badly wounded. She then pulled me back in for a long, 30-second hug. It was the best yet it felt different. I've had hugs even longer than that but even so, it never felt as.. right as it did with Wednesday. I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn with a pink tint. I'm sure it's just hot right now! I thought to myself and awkwardly laughed out loud. 

                                                          Wednesdays POV.

"Alright my little stormcloud, it's time to say our goodbyes." My mother said in a cheery yet, dramatic tone. She opened her arms for a hug.

"There's no need for touch, goodbye mother." I say in a monotone voice, sternly turning my back to her and then walking over to father.

"Bye bye Wednesday, remember to keep being our little star." He opened his arms for a hug and though I don't like hugs I let him, just not hugging back.

"Now Pugsley," I say loudly. "Don't get too comfortable while I'm gone, stay on your toes." I'd throw a rock at his face and it'd hit him square in between the eyes.

"Lesson learned, I won't!" He said with a soft but bitter smile. "I'll miss you Wednesday, even if you do torture me." He said, slightly chuckling.

"Goodbye." I turn my back to them and start walking into Nevermore, into my dorm.

I knock. I hear crashing from inside, assuming it's Enid just being her clumsy, dorky, pretty annoying self. 

"WEDNESDAY!" She jumps towards me and wraps her arms around me.

I start to go red in the cheeks again, why now, why now? I think to myself. "Let go of me."

"Awww, why?" Enid said, practically whining like a child at this point, she always does that, just to get her way with people.

"If you don't get off of me in three seconds I will end you," I say in a serious yet still jokey way.

"Fine fine," She let go and gave me some space to breathe. "So Wednesday..."

"No." I say, knowing she's gonna ask me to do something.

"Hmphhh... come on Wednesday, I didn't even get to finish my sentence!  Come on... you know you love me.~" She said in a joking, flirty tone. I got flustered and turned around to hide my what I think would be obvious blush.

"Fine. Now, what do you want so we can get this over with." I say with a stern look on my face, still blushing.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU WEDNESDAY!!" She screamed. I covered my ears, half joking. Her voice is more piercing than a knife.

"Okay so... since it's a new semester and we're still roomies and stuff we should totally go to a shop to get new furniture and clothes and stuff!" Enid said, smiling with obvious confidence I'd say yes.

"Fine, let's go already," I say in a monotone, slightly annoyed voice.

"EEEE!! I LOVE YOU WEDNESDAYYY!!" She screamed. A small smile crept onto my face, along with a bit of blush and Enid definitely noticed.

"Ooooh.... is that the one and only Wednesday Addams smiling?" Enid would get up in my face and stare, she eventually started chasing me.

I trembled and stuttered- "No I'm not Enid!" Enid would catch up to me and sort of pin me on the bed, tickling me until I eventually cracked a smile.

Enid would snap a picture and then set her phone down on the bed, I still pinned to the bed. At this point, I was so red and my eyes were shut, defeated just laying there with Enid practically on top of me. My heart is beating so fast, I'm red, I feel hot, and I have butterflies in my stomach.

"Wednesday I am so sorry I don't know what happened I just-" I interrupted her with a hug. It felt right, I hate hugs but with her, it feels... different? 

"This never happened." I say in a monotone voice, headed for the door, pulling Enid with me by her hand.

We exit the door and I see that Enid's face is red and very warm. "Enid, are you okay?" I press my forehead against hers, checking her temperature.

She goes redder and I can hear her heartbeat, what does this mean?

this is what love feels like. {a wenclair fanfiction.}Where stories live. Discover now