Chapter 14

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Maya POV

I quietly shut the front door and see Cassie waiting for me, "What did you want to talk about?" I asked and cover my neck with my scarf instantly regretting telling Cassie that we could talk.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what–"

"Do you think sorry going to fix what you did? You played with my emotions making me believe that you loved me but in reality you were just using me for my money so I can help you buy what you needed for the baby! And not only that but you were sneaking behind my back with Jake. You played us both!" I whispered yelled not wanting to risk waking up my dad or Steve, "You're the one who bought the baby supplies, okay. I didn't ask you to." Cassie fires back.

I scoffed at Cassie when she ignored me mentioning her playing with Jake and I feelings towards her, "You told me that your parents didn't have enough money to buy everything that you needed for the baby. You asked me if I can help you with the baby supplies you needed and you knew that I'll agree because I could never say no to you." I reminded her.

"But what hurts the most is that you played both me and Jake. You're the reason that Jake and I aren't friends anymore. You led us both on knowing that we both had feelings for you, but you never loved me or Jake at all, and you continued letting me believe that you loved me when in reality you saw me as your bank account." I said trying my hardest not to cry.

Cassie looked away once I finished we stood in silence. She finally looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I never met to lead you two on it just happened-"

"Bullshit! You knew what you were doing stop trying to act like the victim, Cassie. You were the first girl I liked, the first girl I kissed, and the first girl... that I loved." I exclaimed no longer caring if I woke up Steve or my dad all I cared right now is telling Cassie the pain she caused me.

"I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings but I really did love you I was just scared that I wouldn't be accepted for being bisexual and so I hooked up with Jake thinking it help but in reality it just made me feel worse because the only person I wanted to be with was with you, I still do love you I never once had romantic feelings towards Jake." Cassie pauses and continues, "When we were kids I loved you before I even knew what the word "love" meant. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you, you're birthday, Valentine's Day, sixth grade middle school dance, nights that we stayed up talking. All the birthdays, all the Christmas's, but I-I never did. I just, I kept it in. I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you, Maya." Cassie apologizes wiping her tears.

"I know I hurt you, but I need to know that even after all the pain I caused you. Are you still in love with me?" She asked and I could hear the hope in her voice that I'll say yes.

I shook my head, "No." I answered and her face fell in disappointment, "You're in love with someone else aren't you?" She asked and I froze I knew I liked Max a lot she made me feel things I never felt before when I was with Cassie feelings I never thought were possible to feel towards someone. I think back to all the moments we had together and that's when I realized I didn't like Max no I was in love with her.

I nod my head, "I just, feel different when I'm around her. My insides shake when I'm not with her, and when we touch, its electrifying. There is this gravity that pulls us to one another, and she makes me want to be a better person, for her. I want to do everything in my power to see her smile, hear her laugh and be happy. She makes me happy, and I know that if I were to live without her, it would be the exact opposite, I wouldn't be living."

"Are you and her together?" Cassie asks her voice slightly cracking I think back to the phone call I had with Max how we finally confessed are feelings for each other.

"It's complicated." I answer Cassie nods, "I should get home. Henry should be waking up soon. Goodbye Maya." She tells me looking at me sadly and I nod.

She walks away but stops turns around, "Maybe someday we'll get to rewrite our story. And maybe in that story we don't hurt each other."

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang