General Shao Yao, who was watching from the sidelines, noticed Dong Tiantian's condition, patted Dong Tiantian's shoulder lightly and said, "It's okay, everything is going well so far, don't worry."

Dong Tiantian nodded. Do your best to calm yourself down.

The entire battle lasted for four hours, and the Federation successfully took down the entire base.

Amid the cheers of the people in the war room, Dong Tiantian ran to the commander anxiously and asked, "Is there any news about my second brother? Have you found my second brother?" The

commander calmed down from the joy of victory and said: "There is no new news from Iron Blood yet. Please wait patiently. I will contact Iron Blood to inquire about the situation."

"Oh." Dong Tiantian had no choice but to step aside. Can choose to cooperate.

After Dong Tiantian backed away, the commander contacted Tie Xue, who reported that Dong Junyi had not been found yet, and they are now searching among the survivors.

Dong Tiantian's heart cooled down when she heard Iron Blood's report.

Jiang Shaoyao comforted: "Wait."

Dong Tiantian bit her lower lip and nodded.

Iron Blood replied half an hour later, but Dong Junyi was not found. Moreover, they also tortured the relevant personnel. They had never seen Dong Junyi, and no outsiders were imprisoned here except for the test subjects.

No, no, no, Dong Tiantian's mind is filled with the information that the second brother is not here.

At this time, Jiang Shaoyao reminded: "Aren't there three other bases? Those three bases deployed troops nearby to attack. Although the troops on the border are not as capable as ours, they are better because they have a large number of people and have rich combat experience." , the battle may not be over as quickly as ours, but there must be news soon. Maybe Junyi is being held in those three bases."

Dong Tiantian is like a drowning man, grabbing a piece of driftwood The same, as if seeing hope again.

"Yes, there are three other bases." Dong Tiantian repeated.

General Shao Yao came to the commander and said, "Commander, can I trouble you to contact the other three teams." The

commander said, "No problem."

The staff next to him immediately contacted the commanders of the other three teams.

Dong Tiantian saw three small pictures in the huge light screen.

After the commanders of the other three teams got in touch, the commander said: "The battle is over on my side, how is the situation on your side."

The commander at the second coordinate point said: "Our attack here is going well, take It's only a matter of time before we get off the base."

The commander at the third coordinate point said; "We have encountered a small problem here, but it will be resolved soon."

The commander at the fourth coordinate point said; "We are doing the mopping up here. Work, the battle will be over soon..." The

commander asked again: "The iron blood on my side reported that Dong Junyi was not found. So we guess that he may be imprisoned in the base attacked by one of the three of you."

The commander at coordinate point 3 said; "Our Kuanglong team has been sent out, and there is no news yet, but I guess it is unlikely that it is here. My side is completely a training base. It is used to train lurking personnel."

✔Interstellar Sweet PotionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora