Dong Tiantian puffed her cheeks, that is, a man who is willing to die for himself will be moved by a woman, and Duan Shu is not bad whether he is smart or not.

Dong Tiantian said: "Have you taken the tonic I gave you according to the method I wrote? Although the medicine can't change the status quo, it can regulate your body."

Duan Shu was silent for a while and asked: "My genetic level is really good. Is there no hope of improvement?"

Dong Tiantian comforted: "Now the genetic medicine is in the research stage, and I have encountered some difficulties. After my research is successful, you can come and try it. Well, my conclusion is In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, I don't know much about western medicine, maybe there is still hope." Dong Tiantian felt a little guilty when she said this.

Duan Shu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try it after your research is successful." After speaking, Duan Shu lowered his head and worked on the optical brain a few times.

Dong Tiantian saw that her brain flickered, and there was an email. There is no sender in the email, and when you click on it, there is a very ordinary picture of the starry sky.

Dong Tiantian looked at Duan Shu in confusion.

Duan Shu said: "You forward the email to the secretary. My contact person disappeared unexpectedly, and we are in single-line contact. If I contact the person from the Security Bureau at this time, I will be in danger of being exposed, so I can only trouble you."

Dong Tiandian nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

"Thank you," Duan Shu said.

"It's okay, if you have something to contact." Dong Tiantian was about to hang up the communication, but Duan Shu hurriedly said: "By the way, I heard that you have a lot of research on tattoos. Huaxia launched a full-scale revenge, and it seems that the reason is in the tattoo. You can study it when you are free, and you may be able to provide some useful clues."


Hang up the communication, the video is dark, and Duan Shu stands holding his wound Got up and left the room, only to see two men dragging a corpse walking from the depths of the starship.

Duan Shu stepped forward and asked, "Did you find out?" The person who came

replied: "There is no Mr. Duan, someone committed suicide."

Duan Shu said angrily, "What a trouble! I'm trying to find another way to get rid of the corpse. "

Yes, Mr. Duan." The two dragged the corpse to the lower level of the starship, and after a while, a corpse was thrown out of the starship, and was instantly sucked away by the black hole.

The situation Duan Shu said is very important. Dong Tiantian contacted the secretary and told the secretary the email and the content of her conversation with Duan Shu, and asked the secretary for all the tattoo pictures related to the island country found by the Federation.

After turning off the communication, Dong Tiantian felt that things had turned around and returned to the starting point. She discovered the conspiracy of the island country from the tattoo. Now the result of the problem is directed at these tattoos, Dong Tiantian sighed in her heart, it seems that she is destined to be entangled in this matter.

Soon the secretary sent the picture of the tattoo to Dong Tiantian's optical brain. Clicking on the picture, Dong Tiantian looked at Jiang Shaoyao's medical warehouse. She opened the medical cabin and took the picture and said to Jiang Shaoyao: "Don't pretend, I have something to ask you, just now the secretary sent me some pictures, all of which are tattooed by the island country, I remember that you were responsible for this matter at the beginning, just Brain for you, you see if there is anything missing."

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