"How dare he make such demands!"

"He is the kin-

"Yes, I am fully aware of his status, Julie." Scarlett sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose stressfully. "But I am referring to him as my father in this situation, not just a king." She explained, earning another look of pity.

If anyone heard of her story, they would feel nothing but pity for the princess. But she never felt pity for herself as she learned to channel the pain and anger toward her training.

"Do you at least have any clue as to why he wants to see me?" She asked, hoping to at least prepare herself before she has to face her father.

"Not a clue, my lady."

Scarlett sighed in frustration and grabbed her cloak from her bed. "I need to be alone."

"Of course, your majesty." Julie exited the room just as the princess placed the hood of her red cloak over her chestnut-colored hair and followed Julie out the door.

Her mind felt as if it was going to explode from all the thoughts that filled it. She was angry, confused, hurt, and a little scared all at once. The emotions were overwhelming. She felt like crying, punching something, and fighting all at once.

She spent years crying for her father's attention, and now that she finally received it, she didn't know what to do.

With a heavy mind, she headed to the only place that gave her a sense of calmness, the training arena. No one knew of her skills except Julie and Hector, the retired warrior whom she employed to train her from the age of thirteen. Her father knew of her training, and she was positive of it, as Hector's loyalty led him to seek the king's permission before training her. She thought her father may object to a princess spending her afternoons training with weapons, but to her dismay, he was unfazed.

"My lady," Hector called out in surprise as she entered the back of the training arena. To avoid training alongside the men, Hector built a separate area for the princess to learn and practice. "I wasn't expecting you till the afternoon."

Scarlett headed directly to her corner where her red bow stood. It was her absolute favorite, it was a deep blood red with fine patterns of gold that shimmered beautifully. It was made by Hector himself, a gift for completing her training.
"I am being summoned to dine with my father." She grumbled, while opening the lid of the trunk that stored her arrows.

Hector's expression was priceless. With eyes widen and lips parted in shock, he asked, "The king. Your father, summoned you?" He drew out each word as if explaining something to a toddler.

Scarlett only nodded in response. Her gaze was fixated on the target that stood a few yards away. Her aim was almost perfect at this point, and the distance was like child's play.

"Are you pulling my leg?" The poor old man was still in shock, eyes still widening the same.

"Unfortunately not, Hector." She sighed and hit Bullseye. "He requested that I dine with him and that I have no choice in the matter."

Just thinking about it made her angry once more, and she turned her focus to her remaining arrows.

"Are you alright, my lady?" Hector asked slowly with caution, after watching her angrily shoot one arrow after the next at various targets, each time hitting a bullseye.

Scarlett didn't know how to answer. She didn't know how she was feeling. She spent the past five years suppressing all the emotions that made her feel vulnerable, and now, it felt as if they were all hitting her at the same time.
"I'm not quite sure, Hector, but it is something I have to face. If my father summons me for the first time in over a decade, it must be of at most importance."

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