Scene Two

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(When Drake wakes up his eyes he sees this nice looking lady but you could tell she was older in age, she was putting her hands on Drake's leg and the blood and cut was getting smaller and smaller and the pain was going away. He could tell she was healing him.)

(Drake) "How are you doing that?"

(Alexandra) "You will do it very soon too."

(She said very matterafactly.)

(Alexandra) "I spared your life so your life owes me something. You will become a merman on November 31."

(Drake) "But that's next week. And what will my girlfriend say?"

(Alexandra) "From what I could tell you both need some time apart. Tell her your going on a business trip and you probably won't be able to call for awhile."

(The strange healer said.)

(Alexandra) "I am Alexandra Alfonso. I will check up on you from time too time. And you have until Christmas day too decide if mermaid life is the life for you. It isn't for everyone. I noticed you coming here from time to time. And the mer people gave me a request."

(Drake) "So this was planned."

(Alexandra) "Nothing is ever by accident. It's ultimately your choice too stay you have 25 days too make the decision chose wisely."

(Alexandra says as she slowly disappears into the water.)

The Christmas MermaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora