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*Third person POV*

"Hey." Sun said as she opened the door the next morning. "Yun-Seo, right?"

"Yeah." Yun-Seo said.

"Come in." Sun moved aside and Yun-Seo followed her to the room where Kai and Beomgyu were already searching.

"We should split up." Sun said. "Me and Kai can keep looking in this room. Beomgyu, why don't you look with Yun-Seo in Soobin's room? They might have decided to hide it in there."

Beomgyu slowly nodded. "Good point... come on."

Yun-Seo followed Beomgyu into Soobin's room and began searching along with him.

"What are you going to do if you find the note?"

Beomgyu shrugged and sighed. "I don't know, but one way or another, I'm getting Soobin back."

*Yeonjun's POV (first person)*

"You're friend found one of the notes." Dae-Jung said casually as he strolled into the room. 

"Which one?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, trying to keep my temper.

"Beomgyu... too bad he doesn't know that means I'll only have to get rid of you both sooner. He'll never have the chance of saying goodbye to his poor boyfriend, isn't that right Soobin?" Dae-Jung looked at Soobin with a wicked grin.

"Suck it, Dae-Jung. We're getting out of here one way or another." I snapped. Honestly the chances seemed grim, but there was no point of losing hope if clearly the others hadn't. 

"Yeonjun's right." Soobin chimed in. 

Dae-Jung laughed. "That's adorable that you guys believe that."

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "It's happening one way or another."

"Not unless... you guys aren't strong enough..." Dae-Jung said, pulling off his belt. "Let's test it shall we?"

Ice cold dread filled me as he walked towards me, holding the belt high.

*Beomgyu's POV (first person)*

I sighed as I ate lunch. We had ended up with nothing! Nada! Zip! The fat goose egg! 

Why did they have to be so good at hiding things??!?!?! I understood why Yeonjun didn't want to worry us -more or less- but this was ridiculous.

"We'll try again after lunch." Kai decided. Soobin's mom momentarily looked up at us.

"If you find anything, you'll go to the authorities, right?" She had dark circle under her eyes like she hadn't slept for a while, and her eyes were slightly puffy, but I guessed I looked about the same.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah..." I mumbled.

It finally dawned on me I probably gave me and Soobin away when this all went down, but after this, there's no way in hell they could tear me away from Soobin.

"Any luck?" I asked Taehyun.

"No, but I'll probably have something later. Have faith."

I sighed. It was getting harder and harder to have faith in anything. But we'll keep trying to push through.

*2 hours later*

"Oh my god. This feels hopeless. What if we don't find them?" I sank down on Soobin's bed. I felt like crying... or screaming, but neither of those things would help right now.

"Hey, listen, we're going to find them." Yun-Seo said as he sat down beside me.

"But what if we don't?" I asked as a tear slid down my cheek. 

"Then at least you know you tried everything."

"But everything's not good enough!" I said as I got up. "Nothing will ever be good enough until Yeonjun and Soobin are here safe."

*a couple hours later*

Yun-Seo had left and Kai had joined me in Soobin's room as Sun continued to search Yeonjun's.

"So, where did you already look?" Kai asked. I quickly told him everywhere I had looked and he looked slightly shocked.

"Wow... that's like...everywhere."

I nodded grimly. 

I moved to look out the window in the corner and was surprised when I heard a hollow creeeaak!

"Wait... did you hear that?" I asked urgently as I applied more weight to the spot, making it creak again.

"Could it be...?" Kai rushed over and together we pried off the board to reveal another note inside. (I have to admit, Soobin and Yeonjun were pretty smart about this...)

I quickly opened the letter and read it with Kai peeking over my shoulder. I felt ready to cry tears of happiness.

"Oh my god... this is it! We know where they are!" Then I noticed the look on Kai's face. "What's wrong? This is amazing news!"

"Well.. I just realized something... When Dae-Jung had showed Yeonjun the photos of both me at the house, and you with Soobin... how was he two places at once?" (DUN, DUN, DUUUNN!)

I was trying to put everything together. "I... have no idea..."

Then Taehyun's voice interrupted.

"UHHH GUYS, YOU MIGHT WANT TO COME HERE! I GOT SOMETHING!" He called. Me and Kai rushed to his room.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to look at the computer, which he was blocking. "Taehyun! Come on, move!"

"First, listen. The information I found was really hard to get to, but it turns out Dae-Jung pulled a stunt that was much less drastic before, but he had help..."

Taehyun's voice trailed off as me and Kai read what he had found. My breath caught in my throat as I read who had been his help.

Sung-Jin and... Yun-Seo.

(Aaaanndddd, cue cliffhanger! 

I apologize for the cliffhanger though 😭💕 

I needed to let this all sink in before diving into the chaos ahead! It's going to be a wild ride, everyone. 

Who would have thought Yun-Seo would do that? -besides myself of course, haha...-

But, I think everything's coming together nicely, and don't worry guys, Yeonjun and Soobin will be back safe and sound soon!

Thanks for reading! ❤️💕)

I'm Yours -Book 2- |Forbidden Love| |Soogyu|Where stories live. Discover now