He spat the blood that filled his mouth with a metallic taste, leaving a small red puddle on the iced ground.

He lifted one knee off the ground, now registering the pain flooding his hand, his fingers were twisted in an inhumane way. He sighed in frustration at himself, if only he had kept his cool none of this would've happened.

He tried getting up, holding on to his aching chest with his non broken hand, but his legs slowly gave up on him and he fell forward, head first onto the now hard layered ground.

No.. I have to find them. Please...
I don't want to be left alone again.


"Ugh...." Beomgyu opened his eyes, welcomed by the smell of gas, smoke and dirt. The slight pang of pain made him look to his left. The car was bent and the bump pressed his sides. Not too much to cause a broken rib, but it'll definitely leave a nasty bruise.

Beomgyu blinked a few time, getting rid of his foggy vision, he finally recalled what happened. Yeonjun's frantic yells, Soobin taking over the wheel. Them crashing into the nearest tree.

He looked to his right, finding an unconscious Taehyun. Fortunately there seemed to be nothing wrong with him other than a small cut of his forehead.

"Hyun-ah.." the older shook Taehyun back to awareness.

The younger fluttered his eyes open, taking in the situation.

"Hyung... what happened?"

"We crashed, we have to wake Hyungs up. I don't know how long it had been" Beomgyu looked out the window. Noticing how the sun was starting to rise, it had been a couple of hours since they crashed the car.

"Kai..." Taehyun said, his eyes jumped everywhere in hopes to see the younger pop up next to him, laying on his lap, purring as he slid his fingers through his hair. "Where is he?! Where Kai?"

"We left him at the forest" Beomgyu reminded Taehyun before realizing it was a big mistake. Taehyun's eyes shot wide.

"We're going to bring him back Hyunnie" Beomgyu reassured the boy as fast as he could. "Don't worry" he pulled Taehyun to a hug. "He's there, waiting for us. I'm sure of it"

Beomgyu pulled away after making sure the younger was no longer freaking out.

"Soobin Hyung..." Beomgyu tried his luck with the older, knowing that Soobin is still sick made Beomgyu lose hope for a second. The older wasn't responsive at all, despite having no visible injuries.

"Hyung.. Junnie hyung" Taehyun said as tears rolled down his face. How did everything get so messed up?

"Jun Hyung.." Taehyun shoke the older harshly. "Please wake up" he begged.

Yeonjun's eyes shot open, looking around frantically. "Is everyone okay?!" He checked for all of their bodies to make sure no one got hurt badly.

"Hyung... Soobin's not waking up" Beomgyu was near tears, which was surprising since he was never the type to cry during tough times.

"I'm awake.." Soobin groaned, making everyone sigh in relief. He couldn't open his heavy eyes but he was awake. And that was more then they could ask for.

"What time is it?" Soobin asked.

"Where's the phone Beom-ah?" Yeonjun questioned.

Beomgyu looked around him, but the phone wasn't there. He checked every crease in the seat but the phone wasn't there either.

"Try behind the driver seat"

Beomgyu followed his Hyung's advice, he folded himself and dove under Yeonjun's seat. Rummaging through the floor until he could feel the smooth square.

"Found it!" He beamed, but his happiness was short lived.

"It's 5:53 in the morning"

"Fuck..." Soobin mumbled under his breath as he realized they left Kai  for over 5 hours.

"That's not the worst part Hyung" the color faded off of Beomgyu face.

"Look" he held the phone.

"Shit... shit! shitttt!!" Yeonjun screamed in frustration. Taehyun looked just as pale as Beomgyu while Soobin was cursing himself for getting them into this mess, again.

They all knew what the article meant.

"We fucked up"


Author here.

Another cliffhanger, what do you think happened?

Question to those who are reading this ( love yall btw):

Is the pace good for you? Because I feel like I'm taking my sweet time with this story, if you want me to speed up a bit that's fine too. I just like to add extra details.

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