Chapter 2: The BIG surprise

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Welcome back <3 

I'm so happy you considered to read the second chapter as well,

 so let me give you a hug (っ^_^)っ

This chapter is a bit short but I hope you still like it. As always comments and reviews would be appreciated! 

I'm currently busy with some university stuff but after next week I'll have some more time on my hands and you'll get a longer chapter, I promise <3

That being said..




"Eda, where are you taking me?" Raine asked in a concerned tone, setting one foot in front of the other, slowly trying to find their way without walking into a pole or anything else. Eda had blindfolded them and tried to carefully manoeuvre the bard to their destination.

"Relax Rainestorm. We're almost there and you really need to loosen up I feel like walking a Zombie here!" The redhaired girl closed her eyes and sighed "Trust me I would never walk you into anyth-" Eda's thought was interrupted by Raine walking right into a fence pole.

"Owwww... For Titans sake. EDAA!" Raine cried out in pain. "Can I please take off the blindfold now? I trust you with a lot of things Eda but not this!" The bard rubbed their forehead to fade the pain.

"NO! I promise I won't walk you into anything else. I swear! Plus we're almost there and there isn't really anything else you could walk into. Pleaaaase." Eda hugged the bard from behind rubbing her cheek against theirs.

"Alright fine." The bard chuckled and tried to hide their blush by turning away their face. 'If her manoeuvring won't kill me... her cuteness for sure will' The mint-haired witch thought to themself.

After a few more minutes of guiding her best friend, Eda signalled Raine to come to a halt.

"Okay. We're here. Don't take off your blindfold just yet." Eda positioned herself in front of the the bard and continued, "sooo, you know how you told me about your idea for the show and how impossible it was to get 100 violins, a choir and an orchestra?" The red-haired witch asked.

"Uh- yeah sure. Of course I do. Eda, what did you do? What is this. Can I please take off the blindfold now? I'm confused" Raine started fidgeting the collar of their shirt.

"Yeah okay. Take it off!" Eda said excitedly. As the bard removed their blindfold, Eda spread both of her arms widely to show off at least 160, if not more, people standing behind her on the steps next to the grudgby field.

"Tadaa- Pretty impressive, right?" She shouted while grabbing Raine's arm. "C'mon I'll introduce you." Raine tried to stop the red-haired witch for a second. "Woah slow down Eda. There's at least 160 people here. You don't expect me to talk to them, right? I mean... speak in front of them all?" Beads of sweat started to form on their forehead and just the thought of speaking in front of that many people made the bard shiver.

"Uhh no? Hey, you know me... I would never force you to speak in public. You just need to stand next to me and look nice. And you already got the second part down very well so no worries." The witch winked at her bard friend and turned back around to walk towards the crowd. Wiping away the beads of sweat Raine relaxed a little and followed Eda.

"Hii everyone. It's so cool y'all came tonight to help with this thing." Eda greeted the crowd. "So this here is my friend Raine and they are the coolest, kick-buttiest bard of all time. They got a show going on in the middle of the semester and they had this really great idea...." Eda continued to explain the situation to all the other musicians while Rain stood there and listened. Trying not to pull any attention onto themself.

'Eda is really good at this' the bard thought admiringly. 'Everyone is hanging on her every word; she really has a talent for speaking in public. Hehe, I wish...'

"... Is everything clear or does anyone have anymore questions?" Eda asked, seeming to have finished her explanation while Raine was lost in thought.

One boy raised his arm. "When will we start practising?"

Another girl raised her hand. "Yeah and where will we practise? Do we have a choir room or something? I mean we are a whole lot of people."

"EhhhhUhhh welllll..." Eda stammered while thinking. "Honestly... I did not really think this through all the way..." The red-haired girl admitted.

Feeling a sudden boost of confidence Raine decided to take over. "Well first we all need to practise our parts individually so everyone can do that at home for the next few weeks. I'll finish writing the sheets and hand them out to you all in the next couple of days. After that I'll ask professor Crane if we can get one of the classrooms for practise or maybe even the auditorium. Thank you all for helping me with this assignment."

As soon as the burst of confidence came it was gone again and Raine took a step back, almost trying to hide behind Eda, who just stared at the bard wide-eyed.

After everyone had left and it was only Eda and Raine who remained at the grudgby-field, the red-haired witchling grabbed her friend by the arm.

"Talk about 'stage fright'! You were amazing Raine. Seriously you should be a lot more confident, you rule Whispers!" Eda could barely keep her excitement in check. She had never seen her friend this confident and staid. Usually, when it comes to performing or speaking in front of huge crowds, the bard shrinks a few centimetres, and their face takes the colour of a tomato, as it was now.

"What's wrong? You don't need to blush now that everyone is gone Rainestorm." Eda snorted and laughed. The bard covered their face with both their hands. It took Eda a few seconds to realise that her best friend wasn't flustered but crying.

"Woah, woah, Rainestorm. Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? Was it too much for you? If yes, I am so sorry, really I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything..." Eda snaked her arm around Raine's shoulders and held them close for a while until they stopped sobbing.

"It's not that" they said, whipping away a few tears and sniffling. "It's just... I am so happy right now. You are the best friend a witch could ever wish for. I mean you went all the way and invited how many? 160 others here just to help me with my stupid idea." They sniffled again and blew their nose with a tissue.

"If I ever, in any way, treat you disrespectful Eda, please for the love of Titan, punch me in the face because that would be the only appropriate thing to do." The bard said, still sniffling the last bit of happy tears away.

"I'll keep it in mind, Whispers" the red-haired girl responded while bumping her shoulder with Raine's. "Come on, I'll take you home, you need to work on those music sheets for your ensemble." 

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