The next day they all decided to meet in the forest where Uncle Kim was training Venice and Pai. So they planned to have a little picnic there too . Rain, Sky, Som , Ple and Stop packed all the things and headed towards the forest. When they reached they arranged the place and sat there chatting with each other while waiting for Venice and Pai.

 When they reached they arranged the place and sat there chatting with each other while waiting for Venice and Pai

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Som: Rain next week is our vacation. Did you think about any places to visit?

Rain: I haven't decided yet ... What about you guys?

Ple: I really wanna go somewhere outside of Thailand.

Stop: Yeah me too.

Sky: What about Taipei?

Som: Good place but not there right now. I was thinking about Phuket but you guys don't want it in Thailand so it's out of image.

He pouted that made everyone laugh.

Stop: What about India?

Rain: Which place in India?

Stop: Um I don't know maybe Mumbai?

Sky: Hmm what about Goa?

Rain: Is that a good place?

Sky: I don't know I just heard it's a beachside place.

Ple: Let me Google...

Ple started searching and smiled when she found the place exciting.

Ple: Look what I got

Everyone leaned over her phone with curiosity.

She showed them places while saying.

Ple: We can do lots of things there plus there are night time activities and beachside bars too.

Venice: Hmmm looks fun.

The sudden voice startled them . They looked up and saw Pai and Venice were looking at the phone too.

Rain: Phiiiii......

He ran to Venice and hugged him

Sky: When did you guys come here?

Pai: While you were busy seeing the photos of our vacation destination.

Venice: Do you want to go there?

Everyone said yes in unison. Venice smiled and looked at Rain who was so excited.

Venice: Goa it is then.

Everyone cheered and they started planning about the vacation they're gonna have fun. When they are done with the discussion Som suggested.

Som: It's not fun without a run when we're in the forest.

Rain: Chai Chai let's race.

They all stood up but Rain stopped them

Rain: Nuh ha not like that...

Everyone looked at Rain with confusion while he smirked.

Rain: Let's a wolf race.

Everyone agreed as they didn't see each other's wolf form so it's a good idea to know their wolves too.

At first Venice and Pai shifted into their wolf form while everyone looked at the wolves with awe.

At first Venice and Pai shifted into their wolf form while everyone looked at the wolves with awe

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(Venice's wolf Boss)

(Venice's wolf Boss)

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(Pai's wolf Fort)

Then one by one everyone shifted in their wolf form .

Then one by one everyone shifted in their wolf form

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(Stop's wolf Theme)

(Som and Ple's wolves Nut and Nan)

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(Som and Ple's wolves Nut and Nan)

They went for a run after shifting while howling happily and playing with each other.


As I showed Sky and Rain's Wolves before so I didn't show here.

So they're planning to go to Goa!!! Any thoughts?

Lemme know

See you in next chapter

Bye bye loves 💓🫶

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