f i v e

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hongjoong immediately locked himself in the biggest stall and began to cry.

seonghwa got there not too long after, and called out for hongjoong.

he closed the door behind him and locked it so nobody would come in. seonghwa called out his name again.

he got no response and saw there was only one stall closed.

seonghwa gently knocked on the door and called out, "pretty, it's me can you please open the door?" he asked gently.

"no i look ugly," hongjoong tried to joke, but his tone only indicated that he was broken.

"no you're not pretty, open the door for me please," seonghwa sighed.

momentarily hongjoong opened the door and was met with a seonghwa who had a worried expression on his face.

hongjoong had such a broken look on his face that made seonghwa wish he could just take the pain away from the boy.

"hwa.." hongjoong sobbed out.

"come here pretty," seonghwa said, immediately taking hongjoong into his arms.

seonghwa whispered words of reassurance into hongjoongs ear, hoping the boy would calm down soon.

seonghwas phone buzzed, probably from the other boys asking them to hurry, but he could care less at the moment.

hongjoong slipped into a head space that he rarely slips into. he would get very soft if he was met with multiple days that were too overwhelming for him. especially since hongjoong rarely showed sadness. sometimes it was too much water to hold in a bottle, that ends up overflowing. just like hongjoongs emotions.

"seongie..." hongjoong mumbled.

seonghwa felt his face grow hot at the new nickname. he just wanted to press kisses all over hongjoongs face, but refrained himself from doing so.

"yes pretty? im here," seonghwa reassured.

"why is she so mean?" hongjoong asked gripping onto seonghwas shirt tightly.

"she isn't shit, she's so insecure that she has to bring down others joong," seonghwa frowned.

"i don't get why she hates me," hongjoong admitted.

"she's jealous of you my pretty," seonghwa said swiping a thumb across hongjoongs cheek to wipe the stray tears that stood on his face.

"but im nothing," hongjoong said very quietly that he thought seonghwa wouldn't hear him.

"don't ever say that again hongjoong," seonghwa said sternly which almost made the younger boy afraid, but he knew his intentions.

"hongjoong you are everything, i don't want anyone but you. don't compare yourself to others because you are number one in my eyes. you are the most beautiful boy I have ever laid my eyes upon. you have the most amazing fashion sense in this whole entire town. you have one of my most unique personalities ever, which is what I love most about you. nobody compares to you my pretty boy, nobody," seonghwa said, spilling all his feelings to hongjoong who he felt tighten his grip around his body.

"hwa, you're too good for me," hongjoong said feeling tears escape his eyes.

"no baby, no," seonghwa shook his head and wiped his tears away.

"seongie," hongjoong called out.

"yes pretty boy?" seonghwa responded.

"please don't leave me," hongjoong admitted, only to have seonghwa shake his head rapidly, "you would catch me dead before I do that. i will protect you pretty, i will try my hardest to make you feel so loved. you deserve that. i will be here to wipe your tears away, i will be here so you can hug. i will be here to listen to you my pretty boy. i will never ever leave you i wouldn't even dream of it, when i laid my eyes on you for the first time when wooyoungie brought you home, i knew what i wanted. no, more of what i needed. you know me joong, once i set my mind to something i don't leave it," seonghwa confessed.

hongjoongs tears welled up, he wanted to say so much but the words only got stuck in his throat.

hongjoong knew those years back he had a crush on seonghwa. he just didn't want to admit it, as he was a stubborn boy. he was afraid of losing his friendship with wooyoung just because of a silly little crush on his older brother. but what he didn't know was that wooyoung knew all along.

eventually seonghwas soft touches alongside his waist made him calm down, and made him finally speak out.

"can you kiss me?" hongjoong asked shyly. seonghwas eyes widened, he didn't expect that but quickly shook the thought away and leaned in.

"you're so much prettier up close like this," seonghwa admitted making hongjoongs face heat up.

"just shut up and kiss me already," hongjoong said embarrassed. seonghwa let out a breathy laugh, "that's the joongie I know," he smiled before placing his lips softly onto hongjoongs.

the two stayed like that momentarily before moving their lips against each others. the pairs lips molded together perfectly, like silicone. it was almost as if their lip shapes were made for each other.

the kiss wasn't rough, it was a kiss that held love and trust. it was almost like a promise of loving each other.

the two pulled away from each other and stared into each others eyes lovingly.

"never did I think i would have my first kiss with you in the bathroom of a breakfast place," hongjoong broke the sappy moment with his comment.

seonghwa burst out in laughter before engulfing the younger in a tight hug.

"you've thought of kissing me?" seonghwa teased.

"n-no," hongjoong stuttered out and buried his head onto seonghwas chest.

"you're so cute I want to eat you," seonghwa said pulling the boy closer to him if that was even possible.

"that's kind of weird seonghwa I didn't know you were a cannibal. and also im about to suffocate," hongjoong tapped out, voice muffled.

"sorry," seonghwa said loosening his grip on hongjoong.

the two boys heard a pound on the door and a voice speak through the door.

"i don't know what you two are doing in there but hurry the fuck up the food is getting cold," san said in annoyance.

the two boys turned to look at each other and bursted out in laughter.

the two eventually made their way back to the table, feeling all the pairs of eyes on them.

hongjoong pretended like he couldnt see them before taking a bite out of his waffle.

"can we at least eat first before you guys bombard us with questions," seonghwa stressed.

the rest of the boys agreed and they all finished their food.

"so me and seonghwa may or may not have had our first kiss together in the bathroom," hongjoong spoke out of no where making everyone, including seonghwa, gasp.

"what the fuck you can't just say that while we are in the middle of eating our food," wooyoung said, voice muffled by the food that was currently shoved into his mouth.

a few of the boys choked on their food making them reach out to get their drinks to wash it all down.

some others stood with their mouths open in shock.

seonghwa pursed his lips and looked away acting like he didn't hear anything.

"my bad," hongjoong said simply, shrugging before going to eat the rest of the berries that were on his plate.

"you owe me 20 bucks mingi!" jongho said opening his palm and pointing it towards mingis way.

mingi groaned and pulled out a 20 dollar bill and slapped it into jonghos hand.

"did you guys seriously bet on us?" seonghwa scoffed. he was flabbergasted to say the least.

"i told mingi you guys would kiss right away and he said no, that you guys would have your first kiss in a month," jongho said happily, considering he just won a bet.

hongjoong laughed at the two boys and shook his head.

the group of boys ate the rest of their food contently.

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