The secret behind her birth (part 1)

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Quick Author's Note: it's more of a modern timeline and Leona is the matriarch of the family she had a child as well but she hid them and their child's existence well. And i will be using google translate when i'm not feeling lazy ( ̄﹃ ̄) and say what it means in English.

The Boleoti's a family known for it's swordsmanship and bloodline ability "The Beast's Fang". The power of Beast's Fang is only limited to those who are decent of the Boleoti blood line. And Marinette who was born the sole heiress was a child born of Linette and Corry Boleoti. Marinette was proficient in swordsmanship, martial arts, gymnastics, the use of her bloodline ability as well as she can speak multiple languages(it was a requirement to learn at least three but Marinette didn't know that as she just wanted to read books she only found out after she started her general education she started learning at a faster pace than most so you know how you started primary education at ages 5-6 she already started reading at around ages 3-4) such as English, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, German, the language of the guardians(it will be explained) and much more.

One night when 8year old Marinette was reading with her grandmother they got a uninvited guest.

"Your grace, lady Marinette, there's a guest in the drawing room wishing for the lady's presence and it seems urgent", a servant entered and spoke. "alright we'll be down in a moment" Leona spoke, "grandma?", Marinette called her. "yes amoureuse(sweetheart in french)" , Leona asked. "I have a feeling we should ask the servants and knights to leave the room with the guest when we enter", Marinette spoke. Leona's eyes opened wide then returned to her once gentle expression then she spoke "very well dear but we should at least take our swords." Marinette hummed in response.

When they arrived at the drawing room.............

They were greeted by the great guardian of the four(4) miraculous mother boxes terribly injured then he spoke "your grace the order of the guardians is at the brink of collapse she needs to start her training to become the next great guardian as she has the aura of a true holder of creation the first true ladybug in eons(Eon often refers to a span of one billion years)" Leona looked at Marinette and questioned "would you want to do this training?" she thought 'i don't want to have her do this unless she is willing' "if I agree to this I have my conditions" Marinette spoke. "and what are they lady Marinette" the great guardian questioned. "My conditions are 1. my training takes place here, 2. you must answer any question i ask during our time together, 3. my identity and location MUST be hidden from the temple as I wish not for my family to be involved with this and 4. i do hope i will be able to dress as usual" as Marinette spoke the great guardian was surprised at how well she spoke and her conditions. "Very well i must advise that your attire be made of this" the injured munk spoke as he raised is hand chanting in a language that was unknown to grandma-granddaughter duo and a large roll of fabric that gives of an aura similar to that of marinette appeared. "Then it's settled you shall heal first before you train her", Leona spoke.

Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to take care also smile😁 more you look amazing that way😉!<3

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