Forgive and Forget

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The pups and cats all ran back to adventure bay and they went to the towns square (where they live now) and like collapsed on top of there beds (well Wildcat on the floor) as Wildcat stared at all of them in shock

Wildcat: Why?!

Chase: why what?

Wildcat: why did you help me?

Marshall: we're the paw patrol, Wildcat

Wildcat: but I killed Ryder.... You can't forgive me!

Chase: No Wildcat we can you just have to forgive yourself!

Wildcat: Myself?

Everest: by the way we remade your Pup tag or in your case Cat Tag if you wanna.... Oh I don't know....

Wildcat's blue eyes widens again

Wildcat: no I can't what if I decide to kill you again or worse.....

Chase: no we won't we're giving you a second chance don't waste it.

Wildcat hesitates for a second

Wildcat: I would love to be a part of the paw patrol again, Chase!

Wildcat puts back on his pup tag.

Wildcat: I swear I won't disappoint any of you again.


Shade: good to have you back.


Chase: we're the paw patrol, now and forever!

Forgiveness- Paw patrol book 2 sequel To "You Betrayed us!" Where stories live. Discover now