Chapter 2

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New wasn't required to be there when the boys arrived, as Foie from security was going to take them straight to their beach villa in one of the golf carts. New didn't start his shift until the evening, so he took advantage of what would probably be his last day off for the duration of their stay. He did a late morning paddle board (there was very little surf), followed by lunch and a nap back at his cabin.

He woke feeling refreshed and relaxed, deciding to have a walk along the beach in the afternoon sun to work on his tan, maybe even a snorkel. He slipped into a tiny pair of shorts which he had on good authority (a lovely previous guest by the name of Anton) made his ass look amazing. He didn't bother with a top or shoes and slipped on his aviators, carrying his bag with snorkeling gear and sunblock.

He wandered along the sand, enjoying the slight breeze and the feel of the sand in his toes. He'd been here two years now, staying on after a trip to get over a nasty break up. He'd met Gun, becoming fast friends and fallen madly in love with the island, begging Jack for a job. This place was his escape from his old life. He knew he'd have to go home at some point and get on with his life – get a "real job" as his mom put it – but he was wholly unmotivated to do that at this point and he preferred to just stay right here in this safe haven. He'd heard Earth got married to the guy he left New for and was doing well. He wasn't sure he was ready to leave the safety of this alternative universe and face the fact that he'd not really done much of anything in the two years since the breakup. He was totally over Earth, but he just felt a little lost right now, he wasn't hiding exactly, he just didn't really have anything to go back for.

He continued along, heading for the end of the beach where the reef was. It was too lovely a day to be dwelling on unpleasant thoughts.


The boys had arrived exhausted and Off and Arm had fallen into their beds as soon as they entered the cabin. As usual, Tay was having trouble winding down, so he decided to go for a walk.

He changed out of his black jeans, shirt, and shoes, which were ridiculous attire for a beach resort and opted for a pair of bright blue board shorts and loose white t-shirt. He then made his way through the maze of path until he saw a small sign indicating the way to the beach. He didn't pass a soul on his walk and was both thankful and unnerved. It was wonderful, but it felt so foreign to be able to amble about without fans stalking his every move.

As the path turned sandy and he crested the small incline, he was met with a stunning cove, with a pristine beach of white sand and turquoise ocean. There was only a rippling of waves and no more than about twenty people on the long stretch of beach, mostly tanning or swimming and oblivious to his presence. He headed toward the more deserted stretch of beach, anyway, taking him away from the general area populated by other bodies.

He walked aimlessly along the beach with his feet in the water, enjoying the peace and quiet. The salty breeze felt like heaven against his face, and he felt like he could breathe for the first time in a year.

As he approached the far end of the beach, he noticed that it was filled with coral and plants, a small reef sitting straight off the shoreline. He smiled and went to explore. He waded into the water up to his knees, looking around him at the coral and fish he could see swarming around it. He was smiling and concentrating on the scene before him when he heard a splash and a body popped up out of the water about six feet in front of him, startling him. The boy stood up and put his hand to his chest as if he'd had a fright too. He pulled off his snorkeling gear and Tay took a moment to appreciate how stunning he was.

He was wearing the smallest pair of hot pink shorts, and OK, interesting choice. They were wet and clinging in all the right places. His gorgeous, tanned torso was well-defined, and he walked toward Tay, shaking his hair out and laughing delightedly.

As he got closer, Tay momentarily lost his breath as he took in the boy's beautiful face. He had soft features and a wide grin, crinkling the corners of his eyes. His smile softened as he approached Tay and Tay was able to see the piercing eyes, sparkling with mirth.

"Sorry!", the boy laughed, "didn't mean to startle you, although you fair scared the shit out of me, too, when I popped up and you were standing right there!"

He seemed to show no indication that he recognized Tay, which was such a breath of fresh air. Tay couldn't help grin back at the boy as he answered. "It's alright, it's not every day a gorgeous boy pops out of the ocean right at my feet", winking at the boy.

The boy's eyes widened, and Tay realized that perhaps he may have overstepped the boundaries with his flirting and made the boy uncomfortable.

"I mean..." he started, but the boy's face burst into another grin and he threw back his head, laughing.

"Well, I'd go snorkeling more often if there was a stunning boy waiting for me every time I came back to the shoreline!"

They both chuckled and the boy extended his hand. "I'm New."

Tay took it with a small smile "Tay."

"Well, I take it you're a guest at the hotel? I haven't seen you here before."

"Yeah, just checked in. You?"

"Not exactly" said New. "I work here."

New waited for Tay's reaction to this, as some guys were strict about not associating with the staff.

"Not a bad place to work, looking at this every day", smiled Tay.

OK, so Tay seemed comfortable flirting with the staff, good to know. New smiled back. "Yeah, well it beats an office any day, doesn't it?"

"I can tell by your accent you're from home" replied Tay. "How on earth did you end up here of all places?" he asked.

"Well Tay, that's a very long story and best saved for discussion at a later time." New hinted.

"Why New" Tay grinned. "Are you insinuating that you'd like to see me again?"

New giggled, actually giggled. "Well, that depends, Tay. Are you saying you'd be open to that?"

Tay took a moment to pretend he was thinking it over jokingly. In reality, he was thinking about the repercussions of this boy selling a story to the media. He didn't seem to know who Tay was, but it wouldn't be long, and he would and then what would happen? Tay wasn't exactly out, not that it would worry him greatly if he was, but he'd prefer to control it when he did come out, so he could prepare himself. He decided to be cautious.

"I would, yes" he said slowly. "I'm actually here with a couple of friends, though, and we just arrived so I don't want to ditch them already, but how about I keep an eye out for you?"

"No problem", New shrugged. "You know what? If you're around on Saturday, they have karaoke in the bar from about nine o'clock. I'm usually there. Do you like to sing, Tay? Or more importantly, can you hold a tune?"

Tay bit back a grin as he replied, "I've been told I'm tolerable."

"Great! Well, it's nearly my shift so I'd better get back, but it was really nice meeting you Tay."

"You too, New, I'm sure I'll see you around soon."

[TPE] The Perfect EscapeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin