Chapter 1

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"Alright, alright". 

Jack strode into the room with his clipboard in hand. "Quiet down, guys."

The resort staff stopped their chatter, looking at Jack to start the meeting he'd called with very little notice. There were lots of curiosity around, with rumors flying that they must have a VIP guest coming in.

"Right," began Jack. "I know you're all dying to know why I called this meeting, and I can confirm that, yes, we have not one but three celebrity guests coming in tomorrow afternoon, and I need to set some very particular ground rules."

There was some excited chatter as everyone started speculating who the guests could be.

"Oh great!" said New to Gun "more weird demands about not looking them in the eye and stuff." He rolled his eyes. "These celebrities need to get over themselves! Like we care that they're famous. I couldn't give two shits about these narcissistic egomaniacs." 

He then added, "except for Godji. She's funny! I loved her!"

"Yes" Jack piped up, having heard New's comment to Gun. "You and Godji made quite a mess of our karaoke bar when you went on that bender! I'll be glad never to see a repeat of that unprofessional behavior, New!"

Gun laughed and New had the good grace to look ashamed as he remembered how drunk they'd been that night. He'd just got off work and gone to the bar to have a drink, as Gun was working. Godji had been sitting there alone at the bar, chatting with Gun. 

When New arrived, he'd joined the conversation and he and Godji really hit it off, immediately preceding to get plastered before singing duet after duet on the karaoke machine. There were no other guests in the place and things got a little out of control.

Naturally, Gun encouraged these shenanigans, howling with laughter and taking photographic evidence to show New the next day. Godji had flown out early the next day but left New a generous tip and a note thanking him for a great night. He still may have it pinned to the ref in his staff cabin, along with a great selfie of them both to this day, but that's his business.

"Well," Jack continued to the room at large, "our guests are the boys from 91ers, who, I'm sure you all know!"

There was an immediate, excited buzz in the room, mostly from the girls, noticed New, but mainly from Gun!

"Holy Shit!" he cried, "I really love those guys!"

"Ahh" New raised his hand. "Am I missing something?" he asked Jack. "What's 91ers?"

Everyone groaned, including Gun. "Are you kidding me, babe? They're like the biggest thing in music right now! They're the biggest boy band in Thailand! I can't even comprehend how you don't know who they are!" he exclaimed.

New just shrugged. "I don't listen to boybands Gun – not my type of music. I also don't exactly keep track of current news here in our little paradise, now, do I? I can say without question that I have absolutely no interest in three manufactured, lip synching, pretty boys whose main audience is likely a bunch of schoolgirls."

"Hey!" protested Gun. "They're very talented, I'll have you know!"

New shook his head, smirking at Gun. "There's just a little teenage girl in there dying to get out. Isn't there, babe?" he teased.

"It's actually great you're not a fan, New," said Jack interrupted thoughtfully, "as they've asked to be left alone and to only have limited interaction with staff, so they can relax and concentrate on writing. The fact that you aren't a fan and won't be fangirling all over them makes you the perfect candidate to act as their assigned liaison staff member."

There was a collective groan of disappointment from the female population of the room, and a cheer from Gun.

"You, lucky bastard," he grinned at New.

New just rolled his eyes. "Awesome." He said, sounding anything but excited.

Jack went on to remind the staff of their responsibilities. "No harassing these boys. They chose our resort for its privacy. They've been touring for a year and are exhausted. They have had fans constantly in their faces for twelve solid months and would like some peace and quiet. If you interact with them, you will be polite, professional and most of all, brief! I hope I have made myself clear?"

Everybody murmured a response in the affirmative.

"Yeah" said New sarcastically "it must be exhausting being adored and travelling first class everywhere! They wouldn't know hard work if it hit them in the ass!"

Jack dismissed everyone then but asked New to stay behind to discuss their guests' requirements.

"New," he said when everyone had gone. "While I'm glad you're going to be unaffected by these boys, I need you to keep the snarky, condescending attitude to a minimum."

"I beg your pardon, Jack?" New exclaimed, offended. "You know, I am nothing if not professional and courteous!"

When Jack simply continued looking at him, raising his eyebrows, he added "well, most of the time anyway."

Jack shook his head, smiling. "I like you, New, and you are definitely a favorite amongst the guests. Don't make me regret this. OK?"

"Eye-eye captain!" New saluted him with a grin.

"Oh God," moaned Jack with a smile. "I'm regretting it already! Alright, you will be excused from all other duties while the boys are here, so you can be free to make yourself available whenever they need you. You will be their point of contact and the buffer between them and the rest of the resort. They only need to see other people if they choose to."

"So basically, I get to beg off my normal chores, but in return I have to be a glorified lackey for some spoilt brats?" asked New. "Wonderful."

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