Chapter 1

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July 20, 1208/ January 24, 1624, 8 a.m.

In a Continent, half the size of Australia named Rodenius there were 3 nations. First, the Nation filled fertile land and numerous granaries, The Principality of Kua Toine. The Second is A Poverty Stricken Nation of Quilla, which is only filled with deserts and fallow land. Both Nations were in an alliance in particular against the Human-only Louria Kingdom known for its dreams of uniting this medieval continent and perpetrating ethnic cleansing on the other races such as dwarves, elves, and other demi-humans. Unbeknownst to the two nations, a Continent would soon improve their lives and respective nations for the better or the worse.

Kua Toine 6th Dragon Squadron

Currently, the sky was clear except for a lone dragon being piloted by the Dragon rider Marl Patima. His orders were to patrol this empty region in case those Lourian Bastards from the South launch their dreaded invasion. Especially since the tensions between his nation and the Lourians were rising hence the necessity to prepare for a possible invasion.

"What is that?!?"

He soon said in shock. Eventually recovering he immediately tried to tail. The objects were the size of grain but as he followed them, he eventually confirmed that it was not a friendly wyvern.

"Nothing appears to be flapping?!"

He said as he closed in on the objects. He then began to notice something. There were 3 objects, The 2 Objects seemed to be Biplanes and the 3rd seemed to be a monoplane, heck he could see the men operating them who only waved but only the Great Superpowers held this much airpower so why should they be here? Could it be that the great powers seek to invade his beloved nation? But their insignias were different from the superpowers which confused him. The 3 aircraft then increased their speed as he could no longer follow them. For example, his wyvern could fly at 235km/hour while the objects seem to exceed 350km/hour at best.

He then kept himself and his partner at a distance and contacted command via the magic communicator.

"HQ, HQ I'm trying to tail 3 objects that seem to be heading to Maihark, Repeat The 2 Biplanes, and a Monoplane is heading to Maihark."

The Magic Communicator then gave him orders to follow the objects and watch them from a distance. 

They were in their airspace and it would stain their military prestige should Maihark be attacked. 

Currently, wyverns crowded the runway as they were being readied to be sent to intercept the 3 objects. The wyverns and riders then launched themselves into the blue sky and soared up high.

Luckily for them, the 6th Dragon Squadron was directly in front of them. According to Intel, the 3 objects resembled aircraft from the superpower hence the dragon riders attempted to fire at the  3 objects but they seemed to increase their speed and ceiling height. When the dragons fired at them, the objects only immediately dodged. Eventually, the dragons could not reach them as they reached their maximum of 4,000 feet. Whilst, the objects reached much higher feet easily avoiding the intercepting dragons. 

Not long after, the three objects immediately reached Maiharks skies and began to circle the city. Whilst, the defenders could only watch. The objects then sped off to the northeast leaving the civilians in a panic.

Principality of Kua Toine, Governmental meeting

The PM of the Principality, Prime Minister Kanata was worried. Three objects had just managed to bypass their principality's air defenses and managed to perform a possible recon operation on their home principality.

"Well, what do you all think of this report? How should we interpret it? Is the information true?" he asked the room.

Immediately out of the men in the room, the intelligence representative raised his hand.

"According to our intelligence, one of the three objects seem to resemble the aircraft utilized by the Holy Mirishial Empire of the first civilization whilst the two other aircraft resembled aircraft known as 'biplanes' which were utilized by the superpower Mu of the Second Civilization. However, we believe that their latest model only reaches a top speed of 350 km/h, whereas all three of the objects from the incident were reported to have breached more than 400 km/h. But..."

"But what?"

The PM asked. Could there be more information regarding who was responsible for this incident? If there was more he hoped that it was good news rather than bad.

"Yes. Well, we have received reports of an emerging power to the far west of Mu, outside the major civilizations' regions, subjugating neighboring countries and rampaging about. They've named themselves the Gra Valkas Empire and have declared war on an alliance of countries belonging to the Second Civilization, on the same continent, according to the intelligence in the report we received yesterday. Their weapons are completely unknown to us."

Light laughter rippled across the meeting room after the intelligence officer reported his findings. In declaring war on a continent overseen by the Second Civilization, this fledgling new country made enemies of 2 of the 5 great powers within the major civilizations. This idea was extremely idiotic, suicidal, and reckless.

"However, the Eighth Empire is far to the west of Mu. Even just considering the distance from Mu to us, that's already far from the Continent. It's difficult and highly implausible to believe that the object from this incident could have come from there."

Eventually, the meeting continued as the officials debated amongst themselves regarding what had occurred and what problems were the Principality having.

July 21, 1208/Jan. 25, 1624

World Conference Building, Billian Republic

Altrainian Continental Emergency meeting.

The Billians and Charatians were understandably pissed that the wyverns under the service of the Kua Toine Principality's Military opened fire on the reconnaissance aircraft deployed by 3 of the Major Nations of the Continent.

Currently, Fisher was listening to the opinion of the Charatian Diplomat present at the meeting. The meeting discussed what they had learned about the Rodenius Continent which Fisher was already briefed by the information sent personally by the President.

"It is clear that the Principality of  Kua Toine must apologize for their hostile actions towards the aircraft used by the three major nations."

The Diplomat said as he announced his views on the wyvern attack.

"With all due respect, Should we not be at fault for launching such a reconnaissance mission blindly on the airspace of an unknown state?"

The Billian Diplomat responded highlighting the fault of the mission.

"Our Federation along with the two other nations responsible for this mission accept that it was wrong to launch such a mission on the airspace of one nation. Which violated the sovereignty of the Principality. So I as a diplomat of the most powerful nation of the Continent propose that the Continent shall attempt communications and solve this diplomatically. Both the Principality and the three nations responsible will apologize for this event to ease the tensions."

The Charatian Diplomat replied and then left the podium.

A Billian Official then started the voting between what choice should the Altrainian Continental Coalition undertake.

After a few minutes, most representatives chose to negotiate with the continent. Thus Contact will begin with the continent. The Qotan Republic, Charatian Federation, Kriegstanian Empire, and the Billian Republic respectively led it as the 5 Major Powers to explore this unforgiving and cruel new World.

Chapter End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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