Surprise Place

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C/L Q/T = Colour Quartz/Type


I continued to walk onto the Warp-Pad, waiting patiently for the army of Quartzes to follow. All in a straight, perfect line. "You guys don't have to stay in that line.." I stated silently, and it seemed only one of the Quartzes listened. It was the one that emerged first, C/L Q/T.

Soon, when we teleported over, the other Quartzes gasped and looked around in amazement. The spread out, looking at the place. We were at the main colony, where Green Diamond's Palace was. And, surprise surprise.. We were just outside the palace! "Alright, everyone. Come along. Green Diamond waits for you all inside" I stated, before the Quartzes followed me inside, this time not in a line. They were all too busy looking around to notice the weren't. I didn't mind though.


I sighed, before declining the offer to visit the other Diamonds. I always declined- even when it was really important. I had to makes sure my Court felt perfect. It had to be perfect. And to make sure it was, they had to feel free. "Would you like anything, Green?" a small defective Green Pearl asked, looking up at me with a tiny smile. "It's okay. You take a break, alright?" I sighed, gently petting Green Pearl before she smiled happily and walked off, before taking another Pearl with her to hang out. I looked over to the door, to see it opened by Mint Peridot. I was met with the faces of the new Quartzes. I smiled, before lifting myself up. "Welcome, my little ones! It is a pleasure to have you all over! I do hope you enjoy your stay in our lovely place" I smiled as the Quartzes looked over, before nodding in perfect unison and then continuing to go out to look everywhere. Mint Peridot rushed over, before climbing threw to my throne on the little staircase I made for other Gems so that they could talk to me in a distance that wouldn't make it so they are barely looking at me. They seated themself on the edge of the arm rest, dangling their legs around a bit. "So, these are the new Quartzes? Quite lovely variety. I think I saw a few more off-colours this time" I smiled as I began a small conversation with them. "Yup! There is 1 more off-colours then usual! Would you like me to list them?" Mint Peridot asked, looking up at me with a smile. I nodded, before they continued. "A red and blue Amethyst, a blue Carnelian and a purple Jasper. Also, we have recently discovered a new type of Quartz. A Green Quartz- they prefer the name Teardrop, and use all pronouns" Mint Peridot explained. "May I meet this Teardrop you speak of?" I asked. Mint Peridot nodded, before hopping off to find Teardrop.

TEARDROP (Green Quartz) POV

The group laughed after I told my joke, before I hopped off happily to a Jasper that was in the corner. "You okay?" I asked, tilting my head. The Jasper looked up, and I saw golden freckles on their cheeks and just then noticed they were purple in colour. The Jasper nodded. "Alright. If you want any help with anything, just get me, alright?" I said, before skipping off. "Teardrop?" Mint Peridot asked. I turned around to look at them. "Yeah?" I tilted my head, smiling. "Green Diamond wishes to speak with you" they said. "Oh... Erm.. Alright.." I muttered, before we walked off to Green Diamond's throne.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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