Chapter 15: A Family Reunion - and Farewell

Start from the beginning

Pryce just exhales as she lies there, Mako stood up and glares at her, "Be grateful you're still useful." she informs her and steps away. The Mandalorians just watched her leave. One just whistles impressed. "Oh, I definitely like her." another calls out. Leo grins to himself, shaking his head at his brothers.


The gunships were in the air, the rebels in control, Chopper calling out over the radio as the rebels were ready. "I don't know about this plan, Rex," Gregor spoke.

"In my experience, when it comes to Jedi, the worse the plan, the better the result." the old clone informs his brother.

Ezra was pondering his own thoughts, getting Sabine's attention and she nudges his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" she asks. He turns and just looks at her, he stares for a moment. "I know I can always count on you," he informs.

But she just arches her brow at him. "All right, what are you up to?" she questions. But the comlink went off before he could answer. "We're coming up on the Capital. Better be ready." Hera informs them.

Leo flicks his eyes to Sabine from his seat. "Copy. Head for platform zero delta," she informs her. "The command center? You're going to attempt to launch the dome." Pryce spoke up.

Then smiles to herself, and both Leo and Mako frown at her, "Your plan is worse than I thought." she grins, and Mako wanted to snap at her, but Leo held her hand, stopping her. "Mmm, bolder. You mean bolder than you thought." Ezra informs her.

"More creative than you thought." Sabine threw in, "More smarter than you thought." Leo threw in as well. "But to mention, more thought out than you thought." Mako threw in as well.

Pryce just frowns at the Rebels, "Now, about those landing codes..." Kallus informs, holding the comlink in front of her. "And remember, I'll know if they're correct." he reminds her.

Pryce just grins at him, taking it from him, "Gladly. The sooner we land, the sooner you will be my prisoners." she answers. Mako just charges her brow at her, "Should you tell her?" Leo whispers to her. Mako looks at him, momentarily then shook her head as she looks away.

They approach the dome, reaching the landing pad. "Executive code 6-2-7-3-1-1," Pryce spoke out in the comm. "Code's authorized, Governor. You're clear to land. Security will take the prisoners on the platform." the officer informs her.

The gunships touch down on the platform and they all step out of the ships as a security team meets them the rebels were cuffed as the others in their disguise. "Nice and easy, governor," Kallus whispers to her, his blaster pointed right at her back.

They meet with the team, halfway, "We'll take it from here." the captain informs them. "They're all yours," Ezra answers, Zeb growls at him as Leo growls as well. "Hey! Look out!" the trooper calls out.

Zeb roars as he shoves Ezra forward into the troopers and jumps over them, sprinting towards the door. "Stop him!" Ezra calls out.

The troopers turn and fire at them, but Ezra ignites his saber and slices their blaster, and shoves the troopers to the sides. The rebels split up and fired at the troopers on the platform.

Zeb charges towards the blast doors as they begin to close. But he jumps in the middle and holds the doors open, Sabine, Leo, and Ketsu slide through into the hall.

Zeb strains as he tries to keep the door open, but steps in and the door closes. "Kestu, get that door open!" Sabine shouts as she and Leo's eyes were on the hallways.

The troopers fired at the rebels as they were pressed against the walls. "And try to jam their comm system!" she calls out as Leo fires at the troopers.

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