Chapter 8: Crawler Commandeers

Start from the beginning

Mako took a breath, nodding at him, and looks back at the crawler. "So, what's the plan to commandeer the crawler?" she asks, looking at the others. They all shared a look and grin.


fighters were coming in, landing in front of the temple base on Yavin 4. Hera and Chopper stood with the leader of the Rebellion as they were going over the TIE Defender Elite records.

"Based upon data provided by Captain Syndulla, the TIE defender Elite possesses speed, weapons, and shields superior to any fighter in our fleet," Dodonna informs them.

"Can we destroy it?" Mon Mothma asks him. Amelia flicks her eyes to Dodonna. "In single ship-to-ship combat, unlikely. Our analysts have yet to find a weakness in its design," he informs them, rubbing his chin.

Hera just frowns, "If we can't find a way to fight this thing, we must prevent it from being mass-produced. I request permission to lead an attack squadron back to Lothal to destroy that factory." she informs them.

"I second Captain Syndulla's proposal," Amelia spoke up. Hera looks at her and bows her head. "Considering the Empire's defenses and our limited attack capability, I am not sure now is the right time," Organa spoke up.

"Then when will it be the right time? When the Empire has taken control of the entire galaxy?" Amelia snaps, leaning her hands against the table.

The others looked at her, "I am not going to sit here and wait while the Empire creates more weapons of destruction, it's bad enough that this planet killer is in the makes. If we can stop one weapon of destruction from being made, the time to act is now." she spoke aloud, slamming her hand on the table.

"Councilor Okata is right. We can't afford to wait. I have a group standing by on the ground ready to aid in any mission." Hera informs them. "What about the blockade and Admiral Thrawn?" Organa asks her. This gets the others' attention as they ponder over the situation. "Your evidence is persuasive, Captain. But we'll need time to discuss further action." Mon Mothma informs her.

Hera turns and frowns at her, pressing her hands to her hips. "Perhaps you should wait outside," she informs her. Chopper just groans as he pulls away, Hera took one last look at Mon Mothma as she steps after her droid.

Amelia sighs as she was at her tipping point and follows Hera. "Councilor Otaka, where are you going?" Organa calls out. "Far away from you," she answers as she marches. "But we'll need you here to discuss--" Mon Mothma spoke up.

But she turns as her eyes were glaring at them, "If I remain, I will speak every hurtful and cruel word. Besides, I need fresh air. The air in here has gone stall." she spoke.

Turning away as she marches out of the room. No one stops her as she was out of the room. Mon Mothma sighs as she turns to the plans before she and the others joined in.


The Crawler burns away the grass of the valley, gathering the minerals needed for the factory.

The speeder flew in, onto the burned grasslands and up behind the crawler. Leto coughs at the smoke in the air were... choking. Mako pulls him in close as she covers his mouth from the smoke. "Sabine, Leo. You're up." Kanan calls out.

The Mandalorians fired their jetpacks and flew up toward the crawler. Thanks to the safety of their helms, they pass through the smoke with ease.

But hidden on the side of the crawler as they look onto the catwalk. "I've got movement," Sabine spoke up. Leo took a good lock from above Sabine "Yep, Mining Guild security droid." she spoke out.

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