Chapter 2

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Gabriella's P.O.V

Today has been the same day as everyday. Waking up to the sun shining brightly on my face was one of the things I really enjoyed. I had nothing to do all day, which was quite lonley if I may say. But sometimes I think, being alone was the best decision I've ever made. I wasn't much of a people person, so being alone didn't really bother me.

I sighed happily as my kettle started whistling and I poured myself a cup of chamomile tea. My house was very modern, and was very clean if I may add. I liked clean places, it was easier to enjoy life like that.

I walked over to the chair in the dining area and I was ready to sit down and enjoy my cup of tea, when I saw a little puff of brown curls run down the street faster than a normal human being possibly could by the window. Before I knew it, I0 heard the door opening and harshly closed shortly after, followed by a dog barking and heaving breaths.

I placed my tea on the table and walked to the front door, ready to pounce on whoever decided to break into my house in broad daylight.

But, when I reached the front door, I was surprised to see a girl, maybe 17 or 18, seated on the floor with her back to the door while she placed her head on her knees. She was breathing heavily as if she had run a marathon, her brown curls covering her face. She was holding a skateboard in one hand and holding her chest on the other. She was wearing loose dark jeans that were folded at the bottom with a white long-sleeved vest under her oversized black short sleeve shirt with some sneakers.

" can I help you?" I asked and her head immediately shot up to look at me, while she ran her hand in her hair to keep her brown curls out of her eyes.

"I-I was g-going to die....I was going to die!" She suddenly exclaimed as she got up, leaving her skateboard by the door. "W-What if that dog had gotten to  me...oh my gosh I wouldn't be able to watch First Kill anymore, I wouldn't watch Heartstopper again....on my gosh I wouldn't even get to see Laurence's wedding!" The girl started walking into my house and went to the dinning area where I left my tea.

"Uhm-" I followed her while she continued rumbling. She looked at my cup of tea and turned to me before walking to it.

"I-is this ice tea? Urg no its still hot I need water, no juice would be fine....oh my gosh I almost died. Shit" I just shook my head and walked to the fridge to grab a bottle of water before I gave it to her.

Once she acknowledged my existence,  she quickly grabbed the bottle of water and finished it with a few gulps.

"Thanks-" She said then paused before looking up at me, her hazel brown eyes widening in shock once she realized what she had done. "Oh my spider webs I'm so so sorry I wasn't thinking straight when I barged into your house. T-that dog was chasing me and if I didn't run in here I don't know what would've happened. You'd probably be at my funeral right now."

"No its fine. Stop overthinking, the dog wasn't going to kill you." I stated.

She just looked at me like I had grown two horns. "Are you kidding me did you see how big that dog was? I bet one bite from it would've killed me least then I would be able to look down on people and make it rain on everyone who is homophobic and rude. Yet again...." She trailed off and looked at the tea on the table, "are you gonna finish this?"

I stared at her for a while before I shook my head no. She grabbed the cup with both her hands and took a sip, walking over to the couch as she took another sip.

"Thank you for building your house here madam,"

"I actually didn't-"

"Hey I've actually never seen you around before. Are you new here?"

"No I'm not-"

"Then how have I never see you here before........OH MY PINK BLUEBERRIES!" She suddenly exclaimed...wait pink blueberries? She placed the cup on the table and stood up, shock and fear evident on her face. "You wouldn't happen to know of the faceless man right? He lives right in your house. Wait they could be non binary....WE'RE GONNA DIE!!! Ma'am I'm sorry but we have to leave come on." She grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door.

I abruptly stopped and ripped my hand off her grip, before I massaged the bridge of my nose....right....that stupid legend.

"There is no faceless man or person here and no body is going to die geez stop being so negative."

Her posture suddenly relaxed. "So there is no faceless man- I mean person?" She asked and I shook my head yes. "And we're not going to die?" Again I shook my yes. "So the legend was fake?" She asked and I shook my head again.

She plopped herself on the couch again before taking a sip of my tea that I had so happily prepared. "Phew that's good. I thought it was actually true." She stated. "You know how people like making up stories and shit and my dumbass believed them. You seem like a nice person though."

"Do you ever get tired of talking?" I asked and she turned to look at me before she stood up and walked over to me, stopping only at an arms length. She looked up at me for a while, trying to read me before she shook her head no. She was so short and tiny I just wanted to squeeze her cute chubby cheeks.

"No. But you're not much of a talker are you? Come to think of it I've never seen you at school before."

"I finished school already."

She gasped. "Wait really? How old are you?"

"And why should I tell you?"

"Because I asked." She bluntly stated and I massaged the bridge of my nose.

"I'm 22," Okay I seriously don't know why I'm telling a stranger my personal stuff.

"Gosh I could have sworn you look 18 or something. But it's nice to meet you uhh..."


"......Gabby, I like it. I'm Zoelina." She held out a hand for me to shake and I took it.

"Nice to meet you too Zoelina." I gave a small smile and she sweetly returned it.

"We're friends right?" She asked, a little gleam of hope sparkling in her eyes.

I pondered on that for a while, before I shook my head yes. "Yeah friends."

She fist pumped the air before she took a long swing at the tea. "You're such a nice person...but I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!!" And before I could comprehend what she had said, she was already out the door, dragging her skateboard behind her before she disappeared into the street.

What a strange a girl....

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