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Population Count: 121- 'Charlotte'

I'm tired of feeling like I'm crazy. Of people telling me I am. Because I'm not, I'm very far from it. I understand what she was talking about.

Charlotte Grant.

She was 'dropped'. Not literally but they use that term to appear less brutal, but the punishment is all the same. Erased off the face of the Earth. All because nobody believed her, including me. People soon forget about you and life goes on; without you. She just, lost it. Became disconnected from everyone and everything. She'd wake up screaming because there was a stranger in her bed, her husband. She went out into the desert and claimed she saw something. Nobody knows what, she was too disoriented to ever say. Then one day, they took her away. Again, nobody knows where. She couldn't speak or barely even walk. She just sat staring endlessly out of the same window, in the same chair, in the same blue and yellow dress. Her husband became her voice, anytime anybody asked questions. He'd say she had a sore throat, but there was only so long that excuse can be used before it's implausible. Then he blamed it on elective mutism. 'She had a tough childhood, my Charlotte,' He'd say.

Getting dropped isn't as hard as it looks. You don't have to be crazy. He just has to observe you, and if He doesn't like what he sees, gone. If you take one misstep, gone. If you betray, disobey or violate rules, gone. Certain regulations must be checked to keep everybody in order. Unfortunately, her curiosity was too strong. A few days later, she was


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