Chapter 5: The Big Workout

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However, this is not his world anymore, so he couldn't kill the villain. It truly has been a while since he restrained him against pieces of trash such as this. BJ once again dodged another swipe and country with a roundhouse kick in the jaw making the villain stunned by the attack.

Then BJ performed a powerful back kick pushing the villain back by a foot. But the Big J isn't done, his eyes heat up and the once normal eyes become red. Two crimson beams of light shot out from both eyes.

The villain didn't have time to dodge let alone block the red lasers, it hit directly to its chest. It scorched the monster's flesh, however, despite that after a couple of seconds of its chest being bathed in intense heat. It began to move forward.

Using its open palm to shield its body but burned the arm in turn. As soon as BJ was in striking distance, the beast used his free arm to throw a jab which Big J dodged predictably. Jumping far back to analyze the new development.

BJ: "I knew it, this guy doesn't feel any pain. A Quirk that numbs pain? But then what about his strength and speed?"

Then he noticed the large burns caused by his heat vision begin to heal. Not fast as his healing factor, but it certainly is notable.

BJ: "An accelerated healing too? What the hell is this guy?"

He briefly remembered his brief research and All Might's terrible lecture on Quirks. While an individual can have two Quirks from their parents, there are extremely rare cases of someone that have multiple Quirks. But what bothered BJ is the Quirks the villain had.

The Faceless Villain charged once more and threw a haymaker at BJ. Unlike the previous times, he stayed put and blocked it with one arm.

BJ: "Enhanced strength and speed..."

He muttered before throwing multiple punches with his free arm at the villain, who flinched but maintained its balance.

BJ: "Regeneration and numbed pain...this guy, it's like someone combined these Quirks to defeat All Might."

The Big J threw one last punch, this one much more powerful than the others sending the villain's body crashing into abandoned cars. As he predicted the Faceless Villain got up without a hitch, he was about to roll his eyes in frustration, but suddenly the villain is brought to one knee.

Sweat covers its body as it shakes. After a few moments, it managed to stand up albeit twitching. BJ barely suppressed a smirk that formed underneath the surgical mask.

BJ: "Looks like your body is at its limit."

He states, walking confidently at the villain. It tries to move to attack only for it to drop to its knees. Only supported by leaning into the car it crashed into.

BJ: "Surrender or continue to suffer, the choice is yours. Decide wisely."

However, the villain did not respond to him, instead, it gripped the car tighter. Suddenly, probably using what little remains of its energy, stood to full height before throwing the car at BJ like a javelin. Instinctually BJ dodges it.

Big J opened his mouth for an insult before he whipped his head around to find the thrown vehicle was heading to All Might's location. All Might look far much worse than before. He maintained his muscle form, but now he was sickly and skinny.

Judging by the look of fear on his face, he didn't have the strength to evade the incoming danger. From BJ's point of view, everything became slower. He narrowed his eyes and prepared his leg to make a mad dash to save the number 1 hero's life.

But then stopped when a familiar mop of green hair appeared in his side vision. Wasn't that...the green-haired kid a few days ago? Broccoli hair tackled All Might just in time to dodge the vehicle that crashed to the ground a good foot away.

BJ sighs in relief, he blinked once before his slowed precipitation returned to normal time.

All Might: "Y-you!"

Broccoli Hair: "Are you all right, All Might!?"

This caused him to raise a brow.

BJ: "They know each other?"

Distracted, he didn't notice the charging Faceless Villain. It leaped into the air before slamming its massive fist into BJ, thus creating a massive shockwave that pushed the green-haired teen and All Might away.

But the villain wasn't done yet, not at all. Its arms became all but a blur as it hit BJ with powerful blows in the back. The high-speed punches resulted in a dust cloud forming around both of them.

All Might saw this and immediately tried to get back up.

All Might: "BJ!"

The number one hero tried to step forward to help Big J, but one step made him cough out blood and his muscles deflated more, at this point he looked more in his depowered appearance than his muscle form.

Broccoli Hair: "All Might!"

The young teen shouts in worry, rushing to the hero's side and supporting him.

All Might: "You must evacuate the area, it's not safe here!"

Broccoli Hair: "I'm not going to just leave you."

Before All Might could argue further, they noticed that the sound of a fist pummeling BJ to oblivion stopped. The Faceless villain took a step back and looked into its mangled arms. Both arms twisted into places where they shouldn't be and some bones stuck out.

The dust cloud cleared, and BJ stood from his spot unaffected. The only sign that he was hit was the back of the hoodie had been torn from the punches. All those witnessing this moment had their eyes widened.

Everyone in the area and the ones seeing the broadcast could look agape at the sheer durability shown. BJ turned to face the Faceless Villain who stepped back in fear. Two crimson-red orbs filled with rage pierced its soul.

The Big J: A My Hero Academia FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang