Untitled Part 2

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Nina strapped her boots, securing her weapon. She fixed her vest making sure her gun wasn't noticeable. She had no time to waste. She mapped out the cliff that Max had thrown himself off of, Marking the landmarks she would have to check. She took a bite of her apple and thought about the difficulty she would face fighting him once again. She thought about stretching before leaving the house. She would give it her all this time. She started the car and headed to find max.

Max wrapped his ribs one more time. I have to get a move on, he thought. If she was as good as he thought, she would have already created a trail and has started to follow it. She would surely find him. And he wasn't ready for another encounter with his killer. His body was still sore from the last encounter. He grabbed some coffee. Jackson was sitting already at the table having some muffins. "Leaving already?" he asked. Max nodded. Jackson pointed to the table behind him."i figured. So I took out the best toys for you to play with.'' On the table behind him were 6 guns. Fully loaded and equipped to take out an elite team. I laughed. I couldn't believe I needed these weapons to protect myself from a girl. "You always had nice taste." I said jokingly. And grabbed 4 weapons off the table , carried extra clips and went on my way..

Max couldn't wait on the streets any longer, hoping night time would come sooner. He was starting to feel anxious. Paranoid even. Knowing that Nina was looking for him, all he could think about was how to get out of her killing him. He knew he could beat her in a fight but if she decided to pull the trigger this time, he was surely dead.

This is so frustrating, Nina said to herself. How hard could it be to find ONE person in this god forsaken town? She had already stopped at 5 bars along the way, and was starting to feel a little tipsy from all the drinks she had while waiting to see if Max showed up to any of them. Maybe I'm on the wrong side of town? IMPOSSIBLE. I mapped out the whole town. Unless I missed something. Her phone began to ring. "Your 24 hour mark has just turned into a 5 hour mark. I would hate to do this to you Nina, but you give me no choice." dial tone. What in the actual fuck? Nina thought. She would soon be on the run just like max. 

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