ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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"Get down Nara we have to go" frustrated Matilda swinged the balcolony's door open breathing heavily

  Those words shocked me because normally it would take at least a week for a mother to recover from her services.

But here she is vibrant as ever, smiling from ear to ear. The drugs must have taken effect.

Dating a natural disease in this world I know many is what we do and is what we love. Men perhaps but women. We are parasites but we still have feelings. So "JJr" is what we use every month it's given to us. From the elder always since anywhere else is banned.

  'Matilda I'll see at the auction I promise' amused I got dust off the dirty pants I was wearing and walked past her, shoving her shoulder a little.

I lied


   Some aim for tomorrow. Some aimed

yesterday. Some last week or the week before. Funny thing, last week a girl died because she went out with a man. She was 10. It happens; Sometimes people think they won't get caught.

   The elder is blind. So they stole her books. The elder has no family so they made her one. A puppet in the master's hand might I add.

   "Grandma" I cooed, the voice coming out a little more high pitched than intended to.

Turning around to the door she smiled. He smile reaching to the other side of her 

of her face. She just sat staring at me with her beady eyes. Her wrinkily old looking face was sagging.

" Nara darling you came" softly she motioned for me to come over and I did.

I smiled at her noticing that she was still looking at the crooked door of her room. 

" Over here grandma " I softly shouted.

She turned "oh Nara dear you got bigger.. ah that's why you're wearing the dress I bought for you" softly and tenderly she stroked my cheek with her thumb.

I gritted my teeth. Smiling  I turned away 

" Can I read a book" hurriedly almost to myself I squeezed my eyes shut.

" Darling instead of your read all by yourself self read one for me" she asked almost pleadingly .

Sighing heavily I sat on her bed which might I add. Taking a book from her bed did the table. 

The book title was called 'Ruler's law's.

I started flipping past the first few pages and then began.

" Throughout the world there are five main cities known to man." I looked at her before continuing." The first continent was known as mage port. A city whose beauty is mainly found in its oceanic waters. The night time is especially beautiful because of Celeste, a fish known for being almost extinct... The second city called wallnux

A city built within a mountain. With rivers flowing through it. Access to the city is restricted.... The third city is Drago ville . A once famous city but is now in ruins because of the Hugh fight between ace the hero and..."

"Grandma... What's wrong?"  I stammer.

Getting off the bed I went over to her almost knocking over the bed side table. I

I held her face, her eyes rolled back. She was seizing.

" Ahah...hahaha.. this can't be happening"

I sobbed, shaking her.

Dragging her off the chair I place flat on the floor. Looked around and saw the pills. I ran for it grabbing it from the window sill  I ran for her reading the instruction before shaking out the pills before grabbing the water from the foot of the bed I threw the pills in the water forced her head up making her swallow it.


"Haha... She breathing"I mumbled

Lying on the floor I passed out. I think it was from the shock.



"Am I dead"

"No do you want be"

"Not really"

Getting up I dust of my pants for what I think is the 3rd time before looking at this beady eyed old lady


I winced


"Do you remember xena"

It was getting dark and the moonlight from outside reflected on the glass of water.

"I..I have to go... You know.. mama already" softly I took myself spirited out of the room.


Sobbing, I ended up on the mountain facing the sea.

I chuckled loudly

"Of course I remember her the one who DIED was her not me how you forget"

"I guess it's fine C's I don't remember having a grandma either"softly as I was going to go down. The hill I heard something.

"Ah I made it"

"a boy?"

" How do u know" confused he looked me up and down 

" Not the point why are you here"

"Hey look I can explain"

I contemplated for a while.

"I'm waiting"

"I... Well I ran away"

"Yeah so it seems but why"

"My dad is trying to make me...you know"

"No I don't"

"I ... My father was trying to force me into intercourse with your elder"

I Burst out laughing until I started to cry

"I see why u ran away"

"Mhm... Wow it's beautiful"

"I know"

" Let's go foreigner the curfew is going to take its effects soon"



And we ran all the way to my house and we slept upstairs in the guest room I've never been in before.

I think it was Nara's

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