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Daisy didn't know what she should do. She could forgive him. She could try and be friends again. She could wait till he finally told her what he so desperately dropped her for. But in the end she decided to make her own move. She would start healing herself and not wait for someone else to do that for her. 

There were three things she need to heal from.

Her dad's death, Xavier and her mother.

She didn't know when she would be over his death, if she ever even would be. Her mother was a lost cause she had given up on. 


That was one little piece of a broken heart maybe she could fix. 

XAV <3

meet me at our spot?


She almost threw her phone at the ground when she sent it. Her heart was still hammering in her chest and her mind was a tornado at full rage. She hadn't even noticed she still hadn't changed his contact name. 

see u in five

Her legs were trembling as she walked outside. It wasn't cold. Just anxiety. Her mind was jumping from conclusion to conclusion, from reason to reason. 

Why did she bring this on herself. 

When she finally reached there spot he was already there, he had his phone in his hand and looked the other way. She heard him sigh before turning around, but he froze as soon as their eyes connected. He stood still with his phone still in his hands that now hung limply against his side. His lips were parted slightly, he closed them after a long minute and swallowed thickly. 

"I thought you stood me up."

His voice sent shivers down her spine but she tried to not let it show. 

"I had to find the courage."

His lips twitched, from a frown to a smile and back to a frown. Xavier lifted his hand before letting it fall back down whilst also moving his lips to say something, but there was no sound.

"I asked to meet because I-" her words stopped short and her mind closed off along with her throat closing up, "thank you, for calming me."

"The least I could do."

She nodded her head, now out of words to say, but she wanted to say much more. Maybe sorry? Or just say she forgave him, because what was she sorry for?

"Listen I-" she started stepping a little closer to him so she didn't have to speak that loud. "I don't understand what happened. I would like to know."

"Between us?"

"No between Enid and Ajax."

He smiled at her softly as a chuckle escaped from his lips. Daisy saw him inhale sharply and from the sniff it sounded like he had been crying prior to their conversation. 

"Bianca happened-"

"That was the only part I did understand."

"I am sorry Daisy. It was really no excuse to ignore you and push you away, I guess I was blinded or something that a girl finally gave me attention like that and I didn't- I didn't see that you were doing so much for me and-"

I gave you that attention, you just didn't see. 

"I want to make things right ever since I noticed how much I missed you. I didn't know how! A simple apology didn't feel like enough effort and besides I couldn't get close before you'd run away-  I really missed you Dais. I know it's a lot to ask, I know it's even selfish but please, forgive me. I really need you."

She hadn't even noticed the tears rolling down her cheeks, or the soft smile on her lips, or Wednesday playing her cello on their balcony. "I forgive you."

And she would do it every time again. Maybe it was toxic how fast she could forgive, toxic towards herself. But he was so sincere and honest. His face reminded her of a Christmas tree one you light up on the special occasions and only the few who are invited could enjoy along with you. 

He breathed out a few times with a smile on his face before walking the last few steps towards her and wrapped in her in a hug. Her arms went around his neck, seeing as he was a lot taller than her he picked her up slightly. Xavier's head rested in her neck, where he could smell her perfume of primroses and daisies. 

"I am sorry."

"I know."

an Artist's Muse, xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now