Chapter 2

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The school day couldn't of went by slower but thankfully it's finally over. I go to my locker to put my things away and then I start to walk home because I only live a couple blocks away. The only reason my mom drove me to school today was because she didn't have work. As I was walking to my house I thought I heard some behind me so I turned around. Matthew? Why was he just walking behind me. Was he following me? Then he starts to speed up and he runs to catch up with me.
"Hi, um it's Peyton right?" He knew my name?

"Uh yeah. Hi" why was he walking with me or even talking to me no one talks to me.

"Don't take this the wrong way but why are you talking to me?" He just looked at me and smiled.

"What? I'm not allowed to?" He asked with a little smirk on his face.

"Well no I didn't mean it like that it's just no one ever talks to me." Why would anyone want to anyways right.

"Well why not" Matt said with a almost mad look on his face.

"Everyone just thinks of me as that weird new girl." which is true.

"Well I don't." wow Matt isn't at all like what I heard. He's actually pretty sweet.

"Well anyways why are you walking with me?" I asked confused. Hoping he wasn't just stalking me.

"I live on the street right behind your house." Does he really? How could I not see him.

"You do?" Feeling bad that I had no idea we lived so close.

"Yeah" Matt chuckled a bit and smiles. I couldn't help but smile back. Why was he being so nice? Why does he care? I'm just glad someone is being nice. Matt is pretty attractive. No no snap out of it Peyton you have a boyfriend. It's not like he cares we barely talk and he almost never says I love you. maybe I should just end it.

"Well here's my street I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe we can walk together." Matt winked and walked towards his house. Wow I can't believe he's this nice. Guys like him back home are such ass holes. Kinda like my boyfriend.
As I walked into my house I called to tell that I was home but no one else was. My mom and dad were at work any my brother don't get off the bus till 3:30pm it's only 2:47pm now. I walk to the kitchen to grab a snack I opened the cabinet and grabbed a bag of takis. I then walked up the stairs to my room and saw my dog named Pablo. I grabbed my laptop and plopped down on my bed. I opened it up and started my homework I had to write a essay for history on the Italian Renaissance.


"Peyton dinner!" My mom yelled from the kitchen I put away my homework and walked down stairs. I saw something odd. Matthew and his family were sitting at the table. What?

"Um mom can I speak to you?" Matt looked back at me and smiled. Why was he here?

"Mom" I asked giving her a death stare.

"Yes sweetie?" She said in a sweet tone.

"Why is Matthew and his family here." I questioned

"Well I was talking to his mom from over the fence when I was doing yard work and she seemed really nice so I invited them over."
oh I guess that is ok

"Okay I guess but you should of told me." I said politely

"Yes I know sorry sweetie."

We both walked back to the dining room and sat down I took a seat next to my mom luckily on the other side of me was Matt's mom and not Matt. It was awkward he kept just staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me." Hoping he wouldn't flirt in answer of my question.

"your just really pretty." Oh great.

"Thanks I guess." Matt just kept staring. Why?


Matts family had left and I was tired so I went up stairs so shower. When I was done showering I grabbed my pajamas which consisted of plaid shorts and a big vans t shirt and I just through my hair in a messy bun. I was pretty tired so I plugged my phone in the charger and laid in bed. I was almost asleep but then my phone buzzed. I got a text message from a unknown number. The message read

"Hi Peyton." I tried to think of who's number that was but my wasn't coming to me

"Hi. Who is this?" I questioned


Wow how did Matthew get her number? Why did matt keep staring at Peyton? I guess you'll have to wait and see. Hope you guys liked this chapter

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