"Oh my Gosh! Dream are you alright?" Puffy ask worried if dream got hurt.

Puffy quickly went over and helped Dream up. Dream looked up at Puffy with teary eye, and Puffy noticed the stretch that started to bleed a bit.

"Huwt and cold" dream said start to shake.

"It will be alright. How about we go to your place hm?" Puffy suggests

"Otay" dream said and start to lead puffy to his place.

"How are you feeling little ducky?" Puffy ask while following dream this time.

"Me feel smol" dream said

"You feel small?" Puffy ask in a confused tone

"Mhm! Me 4" dream said showing for figure.

Puffy made a mental note to ask that later. They finally made it to Dream place, which was a tree.

"Dream are you sure this is your place right because I only see a tree?" Puffy ask standing confused.

"Mhm!" Is all dream reply. Dream went to the tree and put his hand in the hole of the tree and pulled out a stuffed animal and a pacifier.

The Pacific looks bright yellow with a little duck on it that says Little Ducky.

The Pacific looks bright yellow with a little duck on it that says Little Ducky

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(Photo by duckyslittleshop on Instagram)

And the teddy bear looks like it was handmade; it has one eye with a button, and it has a purple bow on it.

And the teddy bear looks like it was handmade; it has one eye with a button, and it has a purple bow on it

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(I can't find who made the bear 😔 )

Puffy was a little surprised that Dream actually lived in a tree, so she decided to take Dream to her place instead.

"Come on dream we are going to my place instead. Do you have your thing?"puffy ask

"Mhm!" Dream said showing puffy the pacifier and the teddy bear.

As they started to walk again, Puffy got curious about the teddy bear.

"Ducky is your teddy bear handmade or?" Puffy ask in curiosity tone

"Mhm! it handmade" dream said in a happy tone

"So who made it ducky?" Puffy ask

"Baba made it!"dream respond

"Who baba little ducky" puffy said

"Tommy! He made it as a gift" dream said in very happy tone

"That very nice of him isn't it ducky?" Puffy said in soft tone

"Mhm!" Dream said

"Oh! Look we're here," Puffy said, opening the door and telling Dream to go in. Puffy wasn't surprised by Tommy's nice gestures because she knew that Tommy can be nice when he wants to and can be mean when he feels like it.

"Come on along now ducky so we can get you some dry clothes into and clean your scratch" puffy said

"Otay" dream said abit sleepy now

Puffy noticed that Dream was a bit tired but didn't say anything. Puffy led Dream to the bathroom to clear the scratch and bandage it, then took Dream to another room to change out of the wet and now dry clothes. Puffy gave Dream a hoodie that probably would fit Dream and some sweatpants too.

"Sleepy" dream said now tired

"Alright let take you to bed hm?" Puffy said taking dream to the guest room and getting him in bed. Dream put the pacifier in his mouth and kept the teddy bear close to his arm.

Puffy found it adorable how dream look. Dream start to fall asleep soon.

"Goodnight little ducky" puffy said in soft and quiet tone.

"Night night mama" dream said in sleepy tone and soon fall asleep.

Puffy's heart melts when she hears Dream call her "mama." Puffy closes the door to let Dream sleep and decides to put away all the wood she's gotten.

Ugh I'm finally done TvT

1,152 word T-T

Please tell me if I need any improvement!

Please tell me if I need any improvement!

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Done at 5:05 A.M

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