chapter five: A tearful reunion.

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(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The rest of the walk to Alcina's home is silent, if you don't count her quiet humming. It almost seems awkward in a way. She repeatedly glances at me but doesn't say a word. We eventually get to a large dark metal gate, which is already open for us.

"Here we are...our home."
Alcina says, taking a deep breath before walking past the gates and towards the main entrance. I quickly follow behind her as she opens the door and walks inside. I want to correct her, to tell her that this is her home and hers alone, though for the sake of family I remain silent.

Despite my natural unease towards the large house, the warm air hits me like an old friend, warming me inside and out. Alcina has yet to stop moving so I keep following her.

"I'm sure the girls will be ecstatic to see you, they've been quite depressed without somebody to sleep beside or cook human foods for."
Alcina chuckles...human foods? I haven't eaten in an extremely long time, the gift Mother Miranda gave me makes food intake rather...meaningless. Doesn't she know this? Im sure she does if she refers to food as 'human food'.

"But...I don't need to intake human foods. Making it would be a meaningless task."
I state. I can practically see her smile drop, but she seems to recover quickly. The smile she gives me afterwards is different in a way I can't put my finger on.

"That is correct. I must've forgotten for a moment...My apologies."
She says.

She doesn't speak for the rest of the walk through the castle. We go through quite a few rooms, lots of them having beautiful paintings or wonderfully sculpted statues. Shocks go through my body and end in my brain, making me feel rather sick. I've decided now that the shocks are a negative feeling.

We eventually reach a large open room with a piano. Three women in all black are sitting in the room, facing away from us and muttering to themselves. I try to walk in to introduce myself but Alcina stops me.

"Let me speak to them first, they need to understand what is currently happening...or at least the circumstances that have led to your arrival."
Alcina says. I nod, unsure of what she has to say that I could not tell them myself but unwilling to argue with a member of Mother Miranda's family so soon.

Alcina disappears into the room and closes the door behind her, leaving me in the stairway. I stare at a map that's hung above a dresser, hoping to familiarize myself with the building since I will be here for quite a while.

There's beautiful calligraphy to show the names of most of the rooms, but one room has the calligraphy scribbled out and instead has a messier writing in it.

'(Y/N)'s room'

I feel like my mind freezes when I read it the first time. I read the name over and over again but my confusion does not falter. The name of the room is mine...but Alcina did not know of my existence prior to my introduction this morning. Is there another (y/n) in the castle? I must ask her about this when she returns. Shocks are absolutely everywhere...I feel uneasy.

Heisenberg POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The bitch thinks that her power lets her play god with living beings.

Living human beings.


She crossed a few fucking lines when she took them and turned them into whatever the hell was in the church today. They don't even look at people the same way they did before. If I didn't recognize them by their looks I'd say it was a completely different fucking person.

...They didn't even look at me. They stayed next to Miranda like some sort of fucking purse dog. It's brainwashing, right? It's gotta be. They don't remember a thing, not their past, their time here...not me. Not in the slightest.

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