Chapter 3

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"Hmmm..." Poppy muttered softly to herself as she stood upon the edge of the now mysteriously empty glitter pit, the young queen carefully looking into the deep dark hole as if searching for clues while casually rubbing her chin in contemplation, everyone in the village standing right alongside her, all watching their leader in anticipation, wondering where their glitter could have possibly disappeared to...

     Finally... after a few long moments of pure and utter silence... Poppy suddenly turned to her people with a small sigh, ready to give her answer to the question currently on everyone's mind...

"Ok, everyone," she announced in a loud voice that easily carried through the large open area of the forest. "I'm sure you're all here because you've heard the rumors about the glitter pit being empty..."

     Everyone scooted forewords a bit, listening in great suspense to their queen's every word, not even one stray mutter escaping the crowed of strangely silent trolls...

     "Well... I am here to tell you all..." she continued strongly, her chin held high and hands folded behind her back. "Those rumors are true."

     "AHHHHH!" everyone immediately screamed out at the absolutely horrifying announcement, all the trolls of the village beginning to run around in circles of panic. "We're all done for!" one random civilian yelled out in terror before suddenly collapsing right down to the ground in shock...

"Everyone! Calm down!" Poppy yelled out loudly, the newly crowned queen trying her absolute best to get everyone back under control. "There is absolutely no reason to panic!"

"You heard her!" Cooper suddenly yelled above the multitude of terrified screams, the giraffe-like troll standing out in the crowed of panic stricken civilians. "She said panic!"

"AHHHHH!" everyone immediately screamed again, freaking out even more than they already had been before...

"No, no, no! Guys!" Poppy quickly denied, the pink troll waving her hands frantically through the air to try and redraw attention to herself. "I said don't panic!"

But... of course... everyone simply continued panicking... the destructive mob running around the village as they productively destroyed everything in sight... one troll even flipping a mushroom table which had, at the time, had it's roots planted firmly into the ground below...

"Trolls!" Poppy quickly yelled out to her people to hopefully stop this carnage... to end this riot...

Unfortunately though... no one could seem to hear their queen's pleading cries over their own frantic shouting...

"Trolls!!" she immediately tried again, yelling even louder than the time before...

But... still... no one payed any attention to her... the complete decimation of Troll Village seeming quite imminent at this point...

"STOOOOOOOP!" the young queen finally shouted out at the top of her lungs, the earth seeming to literally shake under the intensity of her mighty roar...

The pink troll finally gaining the undying attention she had so desperately requested... everyone suddenly stopped dead in their tracks... the villagers turning to look at their queen in slight shock... none of them having known the young girl could possibly have it in her to be so strict when absolutely necessary...

"Ok," Poppy sighed, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down. "Like I said... there is no reason to panic," she assured, being the voice of reason for the first time in her life. "The glitter pit will eventually refill on it's own... but in the meantime..." She lowers her voice, speaking quickly as if hoping no one will hear what she has to say next... "We'll just have to get by for a while without any glitter..."

Trolls and the Lost Glitter (rewrite, rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now