Chapter 2

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    As the two trolls walked together through the village they called home, Poppy excitedly explained to Branch all about the epic dream she had had the night before, the young queen making sure to go into immense detail on every little aspect of it...

     "And then we were in space!" the pink troll exclaimed with a loud shout of overwhelming excitement, Branch just simply rolling his eyes at the statement as the former village grump crossed his arms in great skepticism, continuing to walk alongside his best friend...

     "Yeah right..." he grumbled softly to himself, unable to help thinking that Poppy's dream was simply ridiculous. "Like an ordinary trampoline could ever bring us up to outer-space with just a simple click of a mysterious button..."

     "Lighten up! It doesn't have to be realistic, Branch," Poppy groaned with just the slightest bit of sass, the new queen rolling her eyes in slight annoyance at her friend's sarcastic attitude. "That's the point of dreams... they're supposed to be fun!"

     With a soft sigh of regret, his slow stroll coming to an immediate halt, Branch turned back to Poppy with an apologetic look upon hearing her exasperated complaint...

     "I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to go all... Branch on you..." he apologized sincerely, the young boy hoping with all his heart that she could possibly find a way to forgive him. "Force of habit..."

Poppy smiled slightly at the apology, the new queen giving her best friend a reassuring look of approval...

     "It's ok, Branch," she immediately assured, her voice filled with pure absolute forgiveness as she playfully bumped her friend's hip, causing the little blue troll to instantly blush fiercely as he stared at her with wide slightly panicked eyes, his heart suddenly racing three times as fast. "Anyways..." Poppy giggled at the absolutely adorable look she was now reviving from her best friend, the young girl turning her gaze forwards as she suddenly began to skip up ahead of the still completely flustered survivalist. "We were in space! And there didn't seem to be any way back home..."

     Branch, completely unable to hold it in, finally let out a small chuckle as a slight smirk came to his still softly blushing face at the thought of how perfect this one troll was, the young queen's hands excitedly flailing through the air as she went on and on about her dream... but honestly... he was no longer hearing even a single word of what she was saying as his enticed gaze trailed after her... almost as if... he were stuck in a trance... a trance of pure and utter love as a kaleidoscope of butterflies tickled the inside of his stomach with their quickly fluttering wings...

     "And then... as we were falling back down to earth...!"
"Poppy! Poppy!"

     The sudden shout instantly snapping him right out of his distracted thoughts, Branch quickly looked up with a slight jump, the survivalist instinctively going into full defensive mode before noticing Dj Suki rapidly running towards the two of them, Poppy finally ending her spiel as the young queen's friend stopped just in front her...

     "We've got a big problem!" Dj began, seeming completely panicked. "It's..." Suddenly... she paused, looking at Branch with a slight raise of her eyebrow. "Oh..." the red troll muttered once noticing him. "You're here..."

     "Good to see you too, Dj," Branch groaned sarcastically as he turned his back to her, instantly letting his guard down as the former village grump crossed his arms in annoyance...

     "Oh..." Dj gasped, her eyes suddenly widening in horror as she immediately realized that she had just accidentally hurt the poor boy's feelings. "No I... I didn't mean it like that!" she quickly defended, waving her hands frantically through the air in front of herself. "It's just... I'm still not really used to you being out of your bunker... you know?"

Trolls and the Lost Glitter (rewrite, rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now