"About four inches now and growing with each day. Your due date seems to be just about accurate at this point. So yes, expect a late May, early June birth." Dr. Lawerence inform Max who is smiling and feeling happiness bubble up in her chest. She was almost there. Almost at the point of officially seeing her little baby. "That's good to know." Max said excitedly.

"Mmhmm. So, the baby legs aren't crossed." Dr. Lawerence says and turns to Max, "Do you want to know if you're having a boy or girl?" Dr. Lawerence asks.

"Wait, I can learn the gender right now?" Max asked, biting her lip to keep her wide, excited smile at bay, "It's totally up to you. You can wait for a little later if you want or you can decide on a surprise birth." Dr. Lawerence replies.

"I want to know." Max answers excitedly, "I thought so." Dr. Lawerence said smiling as she slides the transducer once again across Max's abdomen.

The image shifted quite a bit to the point where the baby looked kind of like a boomerang shape. "You see that space right there? That's where the crotch will develop." Dr. Lawerence explains.

Max nodded holding her breath in anticipation, "Well... you've got the three lines, two for the labia and one for the vagina. There's no 'turtle'. It's a girl." Dr. Lawerence reveals causing Max to let out a small squeal in excitement, trying to force the yay in the back of her throat down.

She covered her mouth to keep the squeals at bay, but she couldn't help the wide smile that seemed to take over her face.

Max, El, Nancy, and Robin had discussed the possible gender at length on multiple sleepless nights and ultimately decided that it would be more fun with a girl because Nancy would get the chance to play dress up. Max, El, and Robin could not deny the idea of putting the baby in little baby band tees or Mary Jane's and little frilly socks and glittery bows just sounded so cute and exciting she could die.

Max knew that Maya and the boys would be absolutely great to either a boy or a girl, Max couldn't help but hope for a girl because she got excited at the prospect of her friends having a great bonding and treating the baby like a little princess especially Maya who is 100% going to spoil her.

"I am 95% sure she's a girl, but I'll continue to check to make sure at your next appointments. How does it feel to know your baby's gender?" Dr. Lawerence asks, "Unreal." Max answers still feeling happy that she now knows she's having a girl.

"I bet you want a photo of the gender for proof?" Dr. Lawrence asks Max nods, and Dr. Lawrence set the ultrasound image to print, before she saved and closed out the file and set the transducer on the tray.

She carefully wiped Max's belly with the towel to remove the gunk and then stood up to finish with the rest of the post appointment tasks. Max pulled her shirt back down and then got off from the table, removing the sheet across her legs to slide her bottoms back up. Dr. Lawrence went to the sink after removing the rubber gloves to wash her hands, politely giving Max privacy to pull up her leggings.

"We're going to set the date for your next ultrasound in about four weeks or so. Does late January sound good to you?" Dr. Lawrence asks, "That works, I think." Max answers.

"In the meantime, you'll be growing fairly rapidly these next weeks. If you haven't done so already, I would highly recommend you start looking into maternity clothes, Max." Dr. Lawrence informs Max who nods and sighs under her breath. It had begun. The struggle for new clothes, "Also if you don't mind me asking, and I apologize if I'm overstepping boundaries, but..." Dr. Lawrence said, giving Max a concerned look while she wiped her hands.

"Where is the father of your child? I would have thought he would be interested in coming to the appointment after what you told me about him." Dr. Lawrence asks, "I don't speak to the father of my child... he broke up with me when I told him that he is going to a father. We recently talked but he said the same thing that he told me the last time and that is to put the baby for adoption." Max answered twiddling her thumbs, looking away from the obstetrician.

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