How she got you

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She has been feeling lonely lately, her sisters both have someone to look forward to meeting but she has no one
Sarah has Billy, and WInnie has Book. Who does Mary have?
No one

Even though she and her sisters have sucked the lives out of children for years Mary has always wondered what it would be like if she had a child of her own

Mary searched through Book to see if there was possibly any spells to help her
Surprisingly there was

She cut a piece of her hair off and added it to the potion then pricked her finger on the tip a knife and let the blood drip inside the cauldron

Mary smiled as a red beam of light came out of the cauldron, but her smile quickly dropped as the beam stopped shining

“WHAT HAPPENED” Mary was distraught, she followed the instructions, she put all of the materials in. Why didn’t it work?

Mary let out a sob as she dropped to her knees. Why her? Why did bad things seem to always happen to her?Why can’t she be happy?

Something grabbed at the edge of her dress, Mary let out a gasp as she turned and saw a baby. A real baby.

She picked up the baby and held them in her arms, she couldn’t believe it. She was holding her child

She smiled as you grabbed one of her fingers, seemingly inspecting it

She knew she would have to explain to her sister why she has a random baby but she knew no matter what they did she would keep you safe, she would keep her y/n safe

Mary Sanderson but she's your MOMWhere stories live. Discover now