why do i have a feeling that whoever is threatening jihye is from our sch?


danger alert

yall be careful too these days

im sry for the mess ._.

dont apologise. ure not in the wrong

we'll keep ourselves safe, u dont have to worry

yeah dude stop apologising

go tell ur jungwon. i think he shld know abt this

ye i will

mr park is parking the car now

lmao did yall choose ur driver based on the surname

uk, i nvr realised until now. all just a funny coincidence

okay hurry i need to call jungwon

yeah yeah on it

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"Darling, what's up?"

"Are you free now?" Jihye sat on the edge of Haera's bed as her friend started doing her detective work.

"Yeah, why?"

"Uh, yesterday i received a death threat online. The person messaged again, today, and they uhm, know about my siblings and all my friends... I don't know... I'm just a bit scared."

"What the fvck? I'm coming over right now." Jihye was slightly startled hearing Jungwon curse.

"No wait, I'm with Haera, I'll be fine. I just needed to hear your voice... It's comforting."

"Ew cringe." Jihye glared at the back of Haera's head and took her Eevee plushie and threw it at her. It bounced right off her chair and plopped onto the floor.

"Rude. Show some respect to Eevee." Haera picked the Eevee up and hugged it.

"Whatever. Sorry, Haera was being annoying. But yeah, you don't have to come over. I'll be fine."

"Have you told your parents and your siblings to avoid being alone in isolated areas?"

"I dropped a text in the family chat. They're all at home now and Jisung even barricaded the door and locked all the windows."

"Wow, your brother did not seem like the type to be so concerned over everyone."

"Yeah. He likes to tease us but he's just a softie."

"Anyways, I'm still coming over. I can't just leave my girlfriend alone when her life is being threatened like that. I'm not taking no for an answer. And anyways, you'd like snuggles, won't you?"

"Yeah, I do like snuggles." A smile formed on Jihye's face.


"Haera, shut it. Sorry, Haera's just sad she doesn't have a boyfriend who cares this much about her." Jungwon chuckled.

"My future boyfriend and I won't be that cringe."


"Sure. Bet."

"Whatever. Anyways, can you bring one of your hoodies?"

"Of course. I'll be on the way soon, sweetheart."

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now