Chapter 3- Taking a page out of Atsushi's book

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"Yes, I did thank you." Akutagawa quickly nodded out, not quite sure what else to say. This whole situation was unknown territory for him and he was still adjusting, learning the ins and outs of it all. Luckily he wasn't alone and had kind people like Chuuya by his side to help with this transition.

"Well that's good to hear." Chuuya gleamed placing a comforting hand on the younger's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before continuing, "Dazai's just in the dining room laying the table, why don't you head on over while i bring the breakfast out? I hope miso soup and seaweed on the side is ok."

"Yep, i'm not fussy with food." Akutagawa snipply answered and Chuuya laughed in response thinking fondly over how that had changed as the boy got older, a tender memory of Akutagawa avidly refusing some vegetables on his plate because they looked funny tugged at the redhead's heart and made him just laugh harder, all to the confusion of the young teen. Akutagawa just stared up in mild bewilderment at his patrons sudden laughter, however he remained feeling safe in the others company so he didn't care to ponder much on the cause for this bizarre outburst. Instead the two of them headed across the lounge to their desired locations, parting at the junction between the Kitchen and dining room. 

Inside the dining room, Dazai sat slothfully slumped into the cozy leather chairs, resting his head against the oak table. He let out a long sleepy moan as his eyes continued to flutter open and closed, but upon sensing Akutagawa's presence, instantly chirped up. Dazai whipped his head up to reveal his own beaming smile, which, just like Chuuya's, filled Akutagawa with love and security, and quickly beckoned the boy to come sit in the seat beside him, much to the boy's pleasure at the invitation. Just when Akutagawa had finally sat down, Chuuya came strolling through the conjoined door with a marvellous selection of food and soon Akutagawa found himself staring down at blossoming bowl of miso soup and a nice side plate of dried seaweed for him to snack on. The boy wasted no time gorging down on the food but neither of the others minded, they just sat back and started to enjoy their own breakfast. When Chuuya looked back up, he was greeted with the pleasurable sight of Akutagawa relishing the seaweed and thinking over how the boy might have just discovered one of his favourite snacks again for the first time. It was only a month ago, when Chuuya had joined the Akutagawa's one morning for breakfast, that he had discovered his friend's love for the food, due to Gin cheekily revealing it when Akutagawa had his mouth full. He could still remember the annoyed glare the boy had given his sister, like she had revealed a mortifying secret. Initially Chuuya didn't want to attend the breakfast, being too tired to get out of bed, but looking back at it now he's glad he made the effort.

Dazai on the other hand didn't have many fond memories over Akutagawa's likes and dislikes; he knew a few, like his deep love for figs, which were an inevitable outcome of forcibly spending so much time together in the past but that was it. Back then he didn't care much about learning about his new subordinate, focusing solely on him becoming a strong weapon for the Mafia, not getting to know him as human because he wasn't human, just a toy to do with as he pleases. It was wrong. Dazai can understand he was depressed, in a bad mental state at that age (he still is but he's getting better), which is a fair explanation for his actions but does not excuse them, so this time he will do better. He has the chance to properly get to know Akutagawa and he's sure to make the best of this opportunity.

"Oh my, is that the time? I should get going off to work." Chuuya announced as his eyes glanced away from the clock on the wall. 

"Got a lot to do today." The redhead remarked, giving Dazai a knowing glance as both their eyes swept over the oblivious Akutagawa. Today was going to be a tiring day searching for answers but that was later, Chuuya first had to get to work. Quickly before leaving, he gave his husband a kiss on the cheek then promptly dashed out the door, grabbing his coat on the way, leaving Dazai to deal with the plates.

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