Chapter 2

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After everyone had finished with the bath and students were sure the teachers were asleep or at least out of the way, they snuck down to the common room. They knew they wouldn't get caught because the common room was a floor below the main area, hopefully shielding most of their noise from the attendants above, as the teachers were on the second floor.

Y/n giggled with Ochako as they made their way into the room, knowing what they were doing was going to be frowned upon, yet it was still exciting. Y/n sat down in the big circle the rest of the students were forming, glancing at everyone and quickly looking away once she spotted Bakugou once more. Why was he even there? She was sure he would have said no to something like this.

Once the rest of the students piled in and sat in the circle, the door was propped shut with a chair so no rouge chaperone would come in.

"I brought party supplies!" Denki shouted, Kirishima besides him holding up a bunch of bags. Once they set them down in the middle, Y/n gazed wide eyed at the liquor bottles. How the boys managed to snag them, she had no idea, but drinking on a field trip with friends didn't seem like too bad of an idea...

"Let's play Fuck, Marry, Kill!" Mina shouted, a beer bottle already in her hand.

"Why? You wanna tell everyone who you'd fuck?" Some of the boys giggled at her, to which she responded by throwing a tiny acid bubble in their direction, eating up the carpet.

"HEY! No quirks!" Denki shouted as he continued to hand out drinks.

"How would we even play that anyways, there's way too many people here for small shit like that," Mineta said, knowing that if they played they'd all just choose to kill him if they even included him in their lineup.

"Simple! Everyone picks someone to fuck, marry, or kill, from THE ROOM," Mina smiled, pointing at everyone in the circle all dramatically.

"That idea's not half bad," Denki smirked, finally sitting down to join the rest of the circle.

"That's fucking dumb," Bakugou suddenly retorted, sitting there like he was too cool to participate in whatever the rest of the students were doing.

"You go first then," Denki grinned bigger, Kirishima doing a little cheer as everyone stared at Bakugou expectantly.

"FUCK OFF! AS IF ID MARRY OR FUCK ANY OF YOU! I'D CHOOSE TO KILL EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM!" Bakugou shouted, a little explosion going off underneath his hand where it was resting on the floor. The poor, poor carpet of the common room. Y/n was still a little nervous to interact with Bakugou ever since the bus incident, but seeing him get so visibly flustered made her giggle to herself.

"Well there's Bakugou's answer! Who's next?" Denki said triumphantly as Bakugou turned around so his back was facing the circle, angrily muttering to himself.

One by one, the students all went around and confessed things that if they weren't intoxicated, they might not have confessed. Most of the girls chose to marry Izuku, commenting on how sweet he was. Majority of the students picked to fuck Shoto and kill Mineta (as he was dreading).

One it came around to Y/n, her answers seemed pretty known as most people chose the same. Kill Mineta, obviously. Marry Izuku because why not. And fuck.....

Who would Y/n fuck? She wasn't really thinking too deep about it, but as her eyes wandered the circle looking at student after student and sizing them up, she spoke without realizing as she stared at the strong back of someone she thought was pretty attractive.

".....Katsuki...," Y/n addressed him by his first name, the word almost just falling out of her mouth as she didn't think about it before she said it.

"BAKUGOU????" Mina immediately shouted, snapping a tipsy Y/n back to consciousness as she realized she had just admitted she'd fuck Bakugou.

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